Wellness, Sports & Gaming

Why Not You?

Robin Arzón

Lesson time 04:14 min

The path to discovering your greatness starts with examining your own potential. Robin shares how embracing jealousy, channeling creativity, and leveraging your differences are the keys to unlocking your passion and forging your own clear path.

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Topics include: Embrace Jealousy · Leverage Your Differences

Robin Arzón

Teaches Mental Strength

Fitness expert and Peloton Head Instructor Robin Arzón teaches you how to apply the principles of endurance and strength to every aspect of life.

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[MUSIC PLAYING] - I asked myself why not me all the time. I mean, there are definitely transformative moments, like when I decided to quit my law job or when I decided to commit to my husband. And there are so many moments where I had to use faith before fear. And often that in faith-based thinking of having faith in myself, and my beliefs, and the possibility of what I wanted to create really hinged on, on asking myself why not me, because we do see achievements in others as faded, or commonplace, or of course. But when we insert ourselves into that conversation and into that story, it becomes a little bit more far fetched. We have to be willing to allow ourselves to succeed. Sometimes, success actually feels just as uncomfortable as the work that it took to get there. So why not me has always been a refrain, whether it was changing careers, signing up for a race, asking for a raise, saying no to the contract that didn't make sense. It's possible to continuously ask that question and rise above and achieve more. My mom always told me stay weird. Nobody remembers normal. Nobody remembers normalcy. Normalcy is an invisibility cloak. And sometimes that's appropriate, but when you're trying to leverage difference and where you're talking about elements of swagger and you're talking about reinvention, you want to leverage difference. You want to leverage the ways that you are uniquely magical in the world. Even folks who misunderstand it or maybe don't totally jive with it will probably respect it. And I'm grateful that my mom told me that from such a formative age, because I was able to understand difference as beauty. When you are leading with passion, chances are you're leveraging difference. Everyone has something different. You know, when you talk about these broader conversations of authenticity and branding, we brand ourselves every day. Every time you send a text message, you are branding yourself. Every time you send an email, you are branding yourself. Every time you put something on social media, you are branding yourself. So how are you doing it from your point of view? And that is really the critical question. I think when we think about difference and leveraging difference, we often think of the greatest thinkers in the world. And that's not what I'm suggesting. I'm suggesting owning your path and delivering the outcome in a way that has your imprint on it. Both the frustration and the beauty of that is that there is no specific path. You have to own the one that you're on and that you have to care enough about the outcome to put your imprint on it in the first place. We should notice moments of jealousy. Jealousy, if it unravels, is certainly something to be contained, but I think little flashes, little moments of, gosh, I wish I had what that person has, there glimpses of what we want. We should absolutely look at that and interrogate it. We can interrogate our fears. We can inter...

About the Instructor

From litigator to ultramarathoner to bestselling author to head instructor and VP at Peloton, Robin Arzón keeps proving it’s never too late to level up in your life. Now, she’s ready to teach you how building your mental strength can help you see what’s possible for yourself—and see it through. Learn how to identify your dreams and apply the principles of endurance, power, and strength to help you reach your goals.

Featured MasterClass Instructor

Robin Arzón

Fitness expert and Peloton Head Instructor Robin Arzón teaches you how to apply the principles of endurance and strength to every aspect of life.

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