Wellness, Sports & Gaming

Find a Superhero

Robin Arzón

Lesson time 06:10 min

Superheroes can be inspiring and motivating. In this lesson, Robin shares a few of the superheroes who propel her to be better and encourages you to bask in your own superheroes’ greatness.

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Topics include: Study Your Superheroes · Honor the Underdog

Robin Arzón

Teaches Mental Strength

Fitness expert and Peloton Head Instructor Robin Arzón teaches you how to apply the principles of endurance and strength to every aspect of life.

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[MUSIC PLAYING] - A superhero is someone who inspires you to do more. I think we often delve into conversations about mentors, and I actually think that conversation can be a stumbling block for us because we have this idea that it needs to be like the older statesperson who takes you under their wing and literally says, OK, now this is the next thing. And some folks have that kind of mentor, and that's wonderful. The more likely mentor, especially in the digital age, is the person whose work, whose wisdom, whose purpose, whose story inspires something in you and evokes emotion and action. I'm a proud Latina, and I grew up in a Cuban and Puerto Rican household. I was the first generation born in the US. And the story of my family's legacy was always really important to me. My life was a continuation of lots of folks who worked really hard before me and had incredible journeys before me, so I'm appreciative of that. One of my superheroes is my mother, Dr. Carmen Angeles. She is a physician. She's a Cuban refugee. She was always a model of being able to work and hustle and create the life that you want. And she taught herself English by watching PBS, children's shows. She instilled a lot of pride for being a Latina but also, an incredible work ethic of always creating your own journey. Before self-care was a buzzword, I think my mom modeled self-care for me. And seeing her step into her power really showed me what's possible in stepping into my own. My mom lives with multiple sclerosis. I ran my very first New York City Marathon in honor of my mom to raise money for MS research. And I've done many runs since then in honor of my mom. And she's always there as my biggest cheerleader. And the surprising thing is when I crossed that very first marathon finish line, she was so inspired by my run that she started running, and she started working out, which she had never done before. And now movement is such an essential recipe for her well-being. She's truly never felt better. And it's just amazing how we can inspire even the heroes in our own lives, and that cycle is really beautiful. [MUSIC PLAYING] You know what the beauty of a work like this, a MasterClass, is that you get to spend time with superheroes that you might never meet, right? So I know I've read books and listened to classes from folks who have no idea who I am, but I get to spend time with them because of technology and because of the platforms that we have access to. Of course, if you have a superhero in your real life, spent as much time with them as possible. And be specific about why they're a superhero, right? So start to understand what draws you to that person and why. And when we amass our greater-- our larger team of superheroes, and we get to-- and we start to really hone in on, OK, I like this person's purpose, this person's achievement, this person's style, this person's family, this person's speech delivery, whateve...

About the Instructor

From litigator to ultramarathoner to bestselling author to head instructor and VP at Peloton, Robin Arzón keeps proving it’s never too late to level up in your life. Now, she’s ready to teach you how building your mental strength can help you see what’s possible for yourself—and see it through. Learn how to identify your dreams and apply the principles of endurance, power, and strength to help you reach your goals.

Featured MasterClass Instructor

Robin Arzón

Fitness expert and Peloton Head Instructor Robin Arzón teaches you how to apply the principles of endurance and strength to every aspect of life.

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