Wellness, Sports & Gaming

Know Your Worth

Robin Arzón

Lesson time 05:21 min

Swagger is basically another word for your self-worth. In this lesson, Robin breaks down how each of us can develop and finesse our own swagger, and how to channel that feeling of pride to unleash our true potential.

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Topics include: What Is Swagger? · Styling for Swagger

Robin Arzón

Teaches Mental Strength

Fitness expert and Peloton Head Instructor Robin Arzón teaches you how to apply the principles of endurance and strength to every aspect of life.

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[MUSIC PLAYING] - I believe everyone has their own brand of magic. And I call that magic "swagger." And it is an unapologetic inner knowing that you will rise above and that you have made it through 100% of your bad days. And being able to hold space for our power and our individual stories actually enables us to become a little bit more ambitious and a little bit more courageous in asking for what we're worth and establishing boundaries and higher standards. Swagger is an essence of confidence. I think that we earn it. And I think that the swagger that we earn through facing uncomfortable situations is actually more meaningful than the swagger of an accolade given to us by someone else. So swagger involves an internal knowing. [MUSIC PLAYING] The more we align ourselves with goals that matter to us, really internally matter to us, the more we're going to see glimpses of that swagger. And the more we align our North Star with our actions, as in saying no to things that don't matter-- that's swagger. Prioritizing your workout when the world is asking a lot of you-- that's swagger. Asking for more money, knowing your worth, and adding tax-- that's swagger. Swagger starts with something really small. Then you build on that, and there's a beautiful snowball effect. And then one day you wake up, and you realize that the person looking back at you in the mirror is someone you're really proud of. That swagger, in whatever way you define it, that internal pride, cannot be taken away. Even the person that you think is the most confident has moments of self-doubt, and that is a good thing because those moments of self-doubt usually mean that you're getting out of your comfort zone and reaching a little bit more and rising a little bit more. That, I think, is wonderful. The inner knowing of swagger is knowing that you'll find your way back to that place using the tools, using the experience, using the internal storytelling. You know, I've always envisioned swagger as, like, this identifiable sway in somebody's step. There are certain days when you might-- you walk out of a meeting, or you get off a call, or there's some kind of achievement that you've been working for, and you have that pep in your step that, you know, we've all heard about-- that's swagger, baby. Oftentimes, initially, when we're starting a goal, when we look back retrospectively, we see the leaps. We're like, oh, my gosh, I went from 10 minutes a day to working out. Now I can do an hour. Those leaps aren't always going to be as big once you've started to really finesse your craft. And we have to be OK with that and be OK with the small adaptations that we then make because it's in the minutia that excellence happens. [MUSIC PLAYING] We want to look good for victory. We want to feel like we look good for victory. And sometimes, that's not even going to be wearing anything fancy. I mean, most of the time when I feel like I look go...

About the Instructor

From litigator to ultramarathoner to bestselling author to head instructor and VP at Peloton, Robin Arzón keeps proving it’s never too late to level up in your life. Now, she’s ready to teach you how building your mental strength can help you see what’s possible for yourself—and see it through. Learn how to identify your dreams and apply the principles of endurance, power, and strength to help you reach your goals.

Featured MasterClass Instructor

Robin Arzón

Fitness expert and Peloton Head Instructor Robin Arzón teaches you how to apply the principles of endurance and strength to every aspect of life.

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