Wellness, Sports & Gaming

Food as Fuel

Robin Arzón

Lesson time 11:47 min

You may not know it, but what you eat and drink directly affects the mind-body connection. In this lesson, Robin shares a few of her favorite recipes—all designed to help you fuel for greatness—and discusses ways to transform your eating habits.

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Topics include: Fueling for Greatness · Transform Your Diet · High-Protein Banana Bread · The 17-Ingredient Smoothie · H20 Cocktail · Other Foods to Fuel You

Robin Arzón

Teaches Mental Strength

Fitness expert and Peloton Head Instructor Robin Arzón teaches you how to apply the principles of endurance and strength to every aspect of life.

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[MUSIC PLAYING] - If you think about the ways that you are the CEO of your life and you spend hours a week eating minimally, how you fill that time and how you fill your plate and then your body directly impacts the energy and the mental acuity that you're going to have for decision making. You could have amazing thoughts. You could have incredible workouts. But you are going to hit a wall eventually if you're not fueling with the mind-body connection in mind. When you think about the demands of achievement, our stress resilience, our ability to combat stress is directly related to how healthy we can be in our bodies. We will recover faster. We will sleep better. We will be able to take on stressful tasks and challenging tasks with more energy. Fuel is a necessary ingredient to hustle. [MUSIC PLAYING] One of the biggest things is paying attention to how foods make you feel. There are, yes, everybody knows plants, vegetables, organic food, food that hasn't been-- doesn't come out of a box. Those tend to be the most nourishing. But what I find is people are not even paying attention to how they feel after they consume a meal. Feeling lethargic after a meal is not normal. Feeling like you need to take a nap after a meal is not normal. And I find that the afternoon slump that so many of us are caffeinating around can actually be aided with intentional hydration and really nourishing, high energy foods. I like to think of foods having vibrations. So I do like to eat plant-based. I like to eat as freshly as possible. And I like to live by the 80-20 rule. 80% of the time, I'm fueling for greatness. And then there's 20% that you're going to have dessert, you're going to have cake at a birthday party. I mean, you can't create such intense standards that, then, the other side of eating healthily is berating ourselves when we don't. I started eating plant-based when I started training for marathons and ultramarathons. And I read about icons like Scott Jurek and Rich Roll, these folks who were running multiday endurance races on plants and plant-based foods. And I wanted to be able to recover faster. I wanted to be able to nourish, and I just got curious. I said, maybe this would work for me. And turns out it did and I feel amazing. I actually think it's interesting how your body adapts and then ends up relying on certain types of fuel in a good way. My training demands definitely require fuel with intention and frequency. I eat when I'm hungry. I stop eating when I'm not. I don't have particularly intense time schedules. But I always have food available and I always try to have healthy snacks available. Because when you reach the point of being so hungry, you'll grab for anything. And I think the least intentional food choices happen when we're stressed, short on time, and there's nothing else on hand. [MUSIC PLAYING] I definitely eat healthier now than I did as a kid. Now I am much more prescriptive an...

About the Instructor

From litigator to ultramarathoner to bestselling author to head instructor and VP at Peloton, Robin Arzón keeps proving it’s never too late to level up in your life. Now, she’s ready to teach you how building your mental strength can help you see what’s possible for yourself—and see it through. Learn how to identify your dreams and apply the principles of endurance, power, and strength to help you reach your goals.

Featured MasterClass Instructor

Robin Arzón

Fitness expert and Peloton Head Instructor Robin Arzón teaches you how to apply the principles of endurance and strength to every aspect of life.

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