Wellness, Sports & Gaming

The Joy Metric

Robin Arzón

Lesson time 07:35 min

In this lesson, Robin discusses ways to identify and measure moments of happiness and illumination in your daily life and talks about why finding and maintaining that joy is key to recognizing your dreams and potential.

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Topics include: Seek Those Who Fan Your Flames · Channel Creativity · Create a Joy List

Robin Arzón

Teaches Mental Strength

Fitness expert and Peloton Head Instructor Robin Arzón teaches you how to apply the principles of endurance and strength to every aspect of life.

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[MUSIC PLAYING] - The joy metric is a way of measuring moments of happiness and moments of illumination in our days and weeks and lives. Driven folks are sometimes the toughest folks to really have conversations with about the joy metric because there are moments that can't be quantified by time. And when you have those moments of joy, when you have those moments of pure focus, you're not thinking about all these extraneous things. Like, you are in flow. And when you can identify those moments of flow for yourself-- it could be baking a cake with your kid. It could be things you do professionally. I hope it involves things you do professionally, because that's-- we spend so much of our waking hours working. But that requires the inner unpacking of literally thinking about how you spent the last 12 hours and asking yourself did I have moments where I lost track of time in positive momentum? We have to be really self aware in those regards. And I wasn't always an athlete. So the fact that one day, a pair of running shoes that were dusty in the back of my closet started talking to me, asking me to lace up was a marvel and very unexpected. But a pair of running shoes became my salvation. And when I realized that I was seeing glimpses of flow, glimpses of joy in runs, even though-- and this is an interesting thing that we need to unpack as well-- is that the joy doesn't necessarily need to be easy. The joy that I found in the runs were actually very, very uncomfortable. But what I got on the other side of that was "joy" in that classic sense. And then of course, you add endorphins later, and the runner's high. And yeah, it did become magical. But it didn't start magically. So I had to really tune in to myself over a multi-year process. I mean, I was practicing law for upwards of 7 years before I had the courage to quit my law firm and fashion a new career for myself. But there were little, little mile by mile breadcrumbs that I left for myself. And I listened to that story, that internal dialogue long enough to make brave choices. [MUSIC PLAYING] I love the Rumi quote, "set your life on fire and seek those who fan your flames." I just think we have to surround ourselves with those who illuminate us. I think that when you're operating through this growth mindset, which we are or we're aspiring to be, more is more. Abundance is possible. And I think that when-- when you're looking at the joy metric, when you're looking at ways to maximize those moments of flow and those moments of joy, the first step is recognizing when those moments happen. And the second is creating a life where you're surrounding yourself with folks and embedding in experiences where more of that is possible. I believe I'm a fire starter. And I think real recognizes real. And then when you can kind of create a crew, a power posse of folks who have totally stepped into their narrative and become the superheroes of their story, the ...

About the Instructor

From litigator to ultramarathoner to bestselling author to head instructor and VP at Peloton, Robin Arzón keeps proving it’s never too late to level up in your life. Now, she’s ready to teach you how building your mental strength can help you see what’s possible for yourself—and see it through. Learn how to identify your dreams and apply the principles of endurance, power, and strength to help you reach your goals.

Featured MasterClass Instructor

Robin Arzón

Fitness expert and Peloton Head Instructor Robin Arzón teaches you how to apply the principles of endurance and strength to every aspect of life.

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