Arts & Entertainment, Sports & Gaming

Adding Emotions and Dynamics

Parris Goebel

Lesson time 09:19 min

Parris shows how her choreography goes from basic to amazing. She breaks down some key special effects she uses that are now world-famous: the Curtain Effect, the Surprise Effect, and the Mirror Effect.

Students give MasterClass an average rating of 4.7 out of 5 stars

Topics include: Transitions · Curtain Effect · Surprise Effect


[00:00:00.00] [ELECTRONIC MUSIC] [00:00:22.41] PARRIS GOEBEL: Dynamics are key to creating choreography. I use this term to describe the textures and colors within my movement. They help me to tell a story and express different emotions and feelings. [00:00:32.85] You can think of dynamics as your way of choreographing a roller coaster. Dynamic movement helps keep the viewers on their toes. [00:00:39.39] Some examples of the dynamics I use are levels, which determine the height of your movement, whether it's low or high; transitions, which is how you get from one movement to another, or one space to another; and formations, which is when dances are arranged into a series of shapes. [00:00:56.88] So once you've done your choreography and your formation that then you can really play and have fun with different techniques that add dynamics and excitement to your work. [00:01:06.96] Although this may be the most stressful part, it really makes your work have that x factor and just make it extra special. So don't be scared of adding all these different layers because it's just going to make it a little bit more-- it's going to make it more thrilling and entertaining to watch. [00:01:25.08] When I get to this part of my process, I usually-- I do feel a bit more stressed out. And I go through so many different versions. So my advice to you would be trial and error is key. You know, you just gotta keep playing. It's your playground. The studio is your playground. You know, so keep trying different things. [00:01:42.75] I'll try different levels. I'll try the back line up, the front line down, switch it up, try it the other way around. Try going from this side to that side. You know, you just-- you explore all the different ways that you can do your movement. And you're going to find something that just clicks. You need to step back, have a look at it. And you're going to have that feeling like, that's it. That's it. But I really do feel like you just gotta have a play. You just need to explore and keep going until you get that feeling like, I think that's it. I think that's the combination. [00:02:15.90] Between your levels, your transitions, your formations, it's really about finding the right combination that makes it the most exciting and makes you feel it the most. And that's the powerful thing about all those different elements is they add different colors to your painting. You know, you just keep on painting and adding colors until you end up with this beautiful, beautiful finished piece of art. [00:02:40.29] [MUSIC PLAYING] [00:02:47.95] A transition is how you get from one movement to another or one space to another. I like to challenge myself to create transitions that are seamless, smooth, and complement the core movement of the piece. So there's three techniques that I use within my transitioning that are really simple but effective-- the curtain effect, the surprise effect, and the mirror effect. [00:03:10.69] [MUSIC PLAYING] [00:...

About the Instructor

The creative force behind Justin Bieber’s “Sorry” video and Jennifer Lopez’s Super Bowl halftime show, Parris Goebel is a dance powerhouse. Now the award-winning choreographer breaks down her approach so you can harness your own creativity. Learn how iconic performances are made—and how to develop and polish routines, direct videos, and exude confidence every step of the way—as Parris opens up like never before.

Featured MasterClass Instructor

Parris Goebel

Award-winning choreographer Parris Goebel teaches you her techniques for bringing a vision to life and her approach to owning your creativity.

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