Business, Sports & Gaming

Meet Your Instructor

Geno Auriemma

Lesson time 06:55 min

Geno relates the ideals of leading his basketball teams to leading teams at work, at church, and even family at home, and he explains how the teamwork and leadership lessons in this class extend to all aspects of life.

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 [SOUND OF A REEL ROLLING] GENO AURIEMMA: On a great team, everyone does whatever the team needs. [FANS CHEERING] Connecticut has won the national championship. But the team tries to do as much as they can for what each individual needs. WOMAN 1: It's about more than yourself it's about the team. - And that's when it works the best. And Connecticut has won. WOMAN 2: Who has done it again. - Perfection. And it's not dissimilar from a great jazz band. [UPBEAT JAZZ MUSIC PLAYING] - Hi, I'm Geno Auriemma, and I'm the coach at the University of Connecticut Women's Basketball Program. We've won 11 national championships in the last 25 years, 13 straight Final Fours, 21 total. I've won two gold medals at the Olympics coaching the US national team, London and Rio. I've coached some of the most iconic players ever to play the game of basketball. What I've wanted to do, though, is to share some ideas, with you, about what I've done, or tried to do, that has helped me get to where I am today. This is so much more than just basketball. This is everything that you do. Teams are teams, it doesn't matter. So a basketball team is the same as a church group. It's the same as a family. It's the same as your sales group. It's the same as your marketing group. It's a group of people trying to come together to do something as a group that they can't do individually. What kinds of things are we going to talk about? How do we build those championship teams? How do we train those incredible players? How do we make amazing personalities mesh? How do we get them to hold each other accountable, to be responsible to each other, to act as great teammates, to perform on the biggest stage, in the biggest moments of their lives, and be successful, and, more importantly, how to take what they learned from the game of basketball and carry it on to the next phase of their lives? And in the end, what will you do so that the people that are on your team, the people that are in your group, your family, or whoever, when it's over, say, you know, I couldn't have done it without you. That's probably the ultimate win for any leader. I'm Geno Auriemma, and this is my MasterClass. [UPBEAT JAZZ MUSIC PLAYING] [SLOW-PACED MUSIC PLAYING] I was born in the mountains east of Naples in a little town called Montella in the province of Avellino. And I grew up right outside Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The very first day, my aunt walked me to the school, and I met one of the sisters for the first time. She was talking to my aunt. I didn't understand a word they were saying, obviously. But my aunt translated a little bit. And this is the gist of the conversation. The teacher said, tell him-- this is November, now. It's after Thanksgiving, so I've already missed September, October, and November. In June, all those that pass are going to go to third grade, all those that f...

About the Instructor

With 11 national college basketball championships and two Olympic gold medals, Geno Auriemma has coached some of basketball’s most iconic teams. Now he’s showing you how to build and lead any kind of team—at home, work, or in your community—and achieve sustainable success. Learn strategies for being an empathetic, resilient leader so you can inspire others to push past their own barriers and reach their highest potential.

Featured MasterClass Instructor

Geno Auriemma

Legendary basketball coach Geno Auriemma teaches you how to lead any kind of team, inspire others to new heights, and build sustainable success.

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