
Kris: A Brand Is Born

Kris Jenner

Lesson time 13:16 min

Learn about Kris’s childhood and why she felt she was always destined to become a mom—and a brand icon. Kris also shares her early branding inspirations and the spark that led her to pursue entrepreneurship.

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Topics include: Early Life Lessons • A Day in the Life • Creating a Family • Discovering Her Entrepreneurial Spark


- Hi. I'm doing this MasterClass. You should be watching. You might learn something. [MUSIC PLAYING] In this chapter, I want to share some stories and milestones from my early life that had a major influence on me sort of so you can see how your personal background can really inform your brand. I was born in 1955, back in the days when there was no cell phone or color TV, pretty much, which is wild to me to think about. My parents were divorced when I was seven. My sister and my mom and I lived together until I left the house many years later. But really had an amazing childhood. I grew up with my grandmother, my mother, a lot of really strong women in the house, which is interesting to me now because I have so many daughters. But I really had this sort of idyllic upbringing in an upper-ish middle class neighborhood in San Diego. And when I was 13, my mom remarried, which was such an amazing thing that happened to my sister and I, because we had this amazing father figure in the house who loved us to death. So I had the best of both worlds. I had a stepdad, I had a dad, I had a mom, I had a grandmother, a grandfather, and a really big, full family life. My mom always had a job, which was really important to her. And my grandmother always got up in the morning and had her coffee and went off to work. My mother and her had a candle store. Those were my earliest memories of their shop in La Jolla. And they had a store called The Candelabra. And then my mom opened another one called The Candles of La Jolla. And my mom had a fashion boutique. And she had a children's store for about 45 years in La Jolla. So they both, like, established their own little community and made their own friends and surrounded themselves with people that they loved to work with, which is, to me, my earliest memories of team building because they just made sure that whoever they were surrounding themselves by were really great people. [MUSIC PLAYING] When I was 13 years old, my grandmother gave me my first summer job. And my friends would all be at La Jolla Shores at the beach learning how to surf. And I would be at the candle store learning how to wrap the best present you've ever seen. I became a really great gift wrapper. And she used to tell me, it doesn't matter what you're doing, but you need to do it really well. So no matter how small the task, no matter how big the job, do it to the best of your ability. And if you can't do it very well, then figure it out and learn. I know this is going to sound really crazy, but even she told me that every time I use the sink in her powder room or brush my teeth, I had to, like, count when I was brushing my teeth to make sure I did a really good job at that. But then afterwards, I had to clean the sink. I had to scrub that sink like it shined like the top of the Chrysler Building. It just had to be perfect. And that's, I think, where a little bit of my perfectionism...

About the Instructor

With an empire that spans clothing lines, a billion-dollar makeup company, and 14 successful shows, Kris Jenner has become more than the matriarch of one of the world’s most influential families. The Kardashian Jenner “momager” is also a mother of a new era of personal branding. Now she’s sharing her journey to stardom with you. Learn how she cut through the noise, built lasting fame, and turned a vision into reality.

Featured MasterClass Instructor

Kris Jenner

Self-made star Kris Jenner teaches you how she built the Kardashian Jenner empire. Stand out and stay on top, whether you’re selling or sharing.

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