
Create Your Personal Branding Story

Kris Jenner

Lesson time 10:14 min

Your branding journey starts with a solid narrative. Kris discusses how to create your personal branding story by figuring out what you want to say, how you want to present yourself, and how you’ll project your brand to the rest of the world.

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Topics include: Figure Out Your “Why” • Be Authentic • Create a Vision Board • Do Your Homework


- The first step in building a personal brand for yourself is to figure out who you are, what your story is, and what you wanna be known for. How do you want the world to see you? What are your core values? And what's the legacy you wanna leave behind? It's really a journey of self-discovery. I learned a lot about who I was as a person, and I'm still learning. Gonna need therapy after this. [MUSIC PLAYING] I think the beauty of what I do is that Kris Jenner the brand and Kris Jenner the person are very, very similar because Kris Jenner the brand started out as Kris Jenner the person. I was doing what I love to do, which is filming a television show. And I play myself. I don't have lines. I don't have a script. I don't-- you know, what what I do is very genuine, and it's very me. I'm such a boss today. I think if you really wanna create a brand and figure out what is your story and where you wanna start, you really have to honestly look inside yourself and spend some time thinking about what really makes you happy, what you love, what you're interested in. A lot of people that decide to start a brand already know what their passion is. They already know what their category is wanna be. They already know what they wanna do with their life, and they just have to figure it out. My girlfriend Kathie Lee Gifford-- her dad used to tell her, figure out what you really love to do in life and then find a way to get paid for it because that will make you a really happy business person. And I've always thought about that and found it so true. When you're comfortable in something usually means that you can be creative along the way. And if you don't know how to do something, you'll figure out and find the person to help you do it. But you just have to have the drive and say to yourself, I'm going to see this through until the end and really see if I can make a go of it. You have to identify what you're good at. You have to do something that you're interested in, that you wanna learn about, that you're willing to explore, that comes naturally to you, that you can talk about. It's all about communication. You have something that you want to share, and you want to be able to communicate that to other people so they become interested in it. And you need to love what you're doing because that's gonna make all the difference in your level of success. And it does take time, and it does evolve. And it does need some tweaks. And you have to be ready to pivot and change direction once in a while, and be agile, and be able to take direction and criticism, and be able to turn things around on a dime. I mean, we all kind of want the same things. It's just how do we get there? [MUSIC PLAYING] There's a lot of choices to be made when you're building a brand because you can be a lot of things. And for me, it's always been about being very authentic because I started building my brand and my fami...

About the Instructor

With an empire that spans clothing lines, a billion-dollar makeup company, and 14 successful shows, Kris Jenner has become more than the matriarch of one of the world’s most influential families. The Kardashian Jenner “momager” is also a mother of a new era of personal branding. Now she’s sharing her journey to stardom with you. Learn how she cut through the noise, built lasting fame, and turned a vision into reality.

Featured MasterClass Instructor

Kris Jenner

Self-made star Kris Jenner teaches you how she built the Kardashian Jenner empire. Stand out and stay on top, whether you’re selling or sharing.

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