
Game Plan for Financial Confidence

Elaine Welteroth

Lesson time 08:08 min

This lesson won’t teach you to build a traditional business plan. Instead, you will learn to harness your creative instincts when thinking about your finances and walk away feeling financially empowered.

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Topics include: Game Plan for Financial Confidence • Financial Confidence Is Your Fifth Pillar • Get Creative With Your Financial Game Plan • Bet on Yourself, but Get Specific •


[MUSIC PLAYING] So listen. I know that you have financial fears that are holding you back. It's a reality. I've been there. I completely get it. You're thinking, how am I going to pay my bills? How am I going to pay my rent? What about health insurance, girl? I've got to take care of my parents. I need gas money. I'm tired of ramen noodles. I need a new pair of shoes. This green juice was, like, $7. That's, like, a whole hour of work. When you are feeling overwhelmed by paralyzing fear and doubt, it's time to make a plan. [MUSIC PLAYING] So don't go running and telling your friends that Elaine told me on her master class that it was okay to quit my job, so I went and quit my job. And now I'm ass out, and I'm down on my luck, and I don't know where to go from here. That is not what I said. Don't misunderstand this piece of advice. There is no complete exit strategy without an actual game plan for how you are going to survive and thrive in this afterlife that you are designing for yourself. Right? So we've talked about the four pillars that inform your zone of genius, which informs how you build your dream career, right? But there's one more pillar. And it's really important. And it is financial confidence. While the actual concept of financial security is a bit of an illusion, I think when you are feeling panicked about money, you go into survival mode. There's something that physiologically happens in your brain that constricts how big you can think. And you go into just, how can I make it through this day? How can I feed myself? How can I feed my family? How can I clothe myself and house myself? So those basic needs need to be met in order for you to live at a place of comfort that enables you to then dream. Now, financial confidence is different from having financial security. Financial confidence comes from having a game plan. And that plan can only be written by you. [MUSIC PLAYING] I feel like we talk a lot in the culture about betting on yourself and taking a leap of faith. But I don't think we talk enough about how to reinforce your faith by cultivating a sense of financial confidence. This is the time to revisit your mind map and to define it a little bit more clearly. When I was trying to decide if I was ready to take that leap of faith to bet on myself and launch into an entrepreneurial path, I really had to sit down and have an honest conversation with myself. What were the figures I needed to see in my savings account that would support the faith in myself? And it will look different at different stages in your career as your needs and desires and lifestyle shifts. So, naturally, when I was moving from my small town in Newark, California, out of my parents' house, working as a waitress and a receptionist job where I was making $10 an hour, I said, if I am going to move to New York City and work potentially an unpaid internship or an internship that gives me $10 an hour...

About the Instructor

After a decade in her dream job as editor in chief of Teen Vogue, award-winning journalist Elaine Welteroth realized she had other dreams worth pursuing. Now, the New York Times bestselling author, multimedia trailblazer, and judge on the new Project Runway is teaching you how to get out of your comfort zone and harness your personal values, passions, and skills to custom design a career path as unique as you are.

Featured MasterClass Instructor

Elaine Welteroth

Former Teen Vogue editor in chief and multimedia icon Elaine Welteroth teaches you how to harness your values, skills, and passions to create your dream career path.

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