
Build Your Career Blueprint

Elaine Welteroth

Lesson time 08:25 min

Elaine offers a three-step framework to build the career of your dreams.

Students give MasterClass an average rating of 4.7 out of 5 stars

Topics include: Build Your Career Blueprint • The Art of the Mind Map •


- When you have a big picture vision in mind for your career, then it allows you more flexibility and more space to make mistakes along the way and to not freak out if you veer off course a little bit, because you know where you're going. You know where you wanna end up. And you know that where you are is just temporary. [MUSIC PLAYING] So what is a blueprint? A blueprint is essentially your 30,000-foot view of the life span of your career. It should give you a sense of what the arc is that you want your career to take. It should encompass your short-term goals, as well as your long game plan. So one of my sacred sisters and one of my guides in this life, she uses this analogy that I'm gonna use with you here. She says, "We're gonna go eagle eye. OK. And now, we're gonna go hawk eye." So eagle eye is the 30,000-foot view. Hawk eye is that micro-granular, really nitty gritty lens on what's happening, right? So your blueprint is your eagle eye view on your career. Once you have a sense of where you're headed, you can really start to focus your attention on taking the first step in that direction. And that blueprint is what you need to be able to start the process of figuring out how to craft your career from a big picture standpoint. Who are the people in your life that you want to model your career after? Who are those people-- maybe you don't even know them. I didn't have a model for someone who looked like me who left a small town, went to a big city, and pursued a big career dream. And it took finding somebody who looked like me, who was doing something that felt exciting to me for me to believe that I could do it too. Harriette Cole was the fashion director for 11 years at "Essence" magazine, which was my favorite magazine of all, at the time. She went on to write multiple bestselling books. She had a syndicated national radio show. She was on "The Today Show." She was consulting with celebrities. She was a stylist. She created a whole line of eyewear on behalf of Essence. Like this woman was a multi-hyphenate before that was even a thing. And she was doing it in a space that I wanted to play in. She existed at the intersection of fashion, spirituality, and Black culture. She carved out a space in this vast media landscape that only she could own. And when I found out about this woman's story and what she was able to accomplish, I am telling you, it was like a light switch went off in a dark room. Suddenly, my path became clear. So from studying Harriette Cole's career track and her blueprint, I felt like I had the starting point for a blueprint of my own. What I learned from studying her career was she started in magazines, cultivated her skills, flexed her passion, and really found her sweet spot. I was inspired to figure out my own intersection, my own zone of genius. And for me, I realized that I wanted to exist at the intersection of activism, journalism, and fashion. So your eagle ey...

About the Instructor

After a decade in her dream job as editor in chief of Teen Vogue, award-winning journalist Elaine Welteroth realized she had other dreams worth pursuing. Now, the New York Times bestselling author, multimedia trailblazer, and judge on the new Project Runway is teaching you how to get out of your comfort zone and harness your personal values, passions, and skills to custom design a career path as unique as you are.

Featured MasterClass Instructor

Elaine Welteroth

Former Teen Vogue editor in chief and multimedia icon Elaine Welteroth teaches you how to harness your values, skills, and passions to create your dream career path.

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