Business, Sports & Gaming

Time-Out: Planning Your Next Play

Coach K

Lesson time 13:53 min

Taking leadership lessons from the court to the conference room, Coach K and Shane Battier discuss how to navigate moments of transition in your life and career.

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[MUSIC PLAYING] - What's your perspective-- MIKE KRZYZEWSKI (VOICEOVER): The idea of "next play" was critical in times of transition. And now, with Shane, I want to discuss how it can apply from the basketball court to the conference room. So, obviously, I've benefited and you benefited greatly from our time together the four years. Since then, you've been an NBA player for well over a decade, an NBA champion. You have a family, you're now transitioned out of being an NBA player. What did Duke and our program help you with-- - Yeah - As you went forward? - Well, I wouldn't be here, coach, without you and the lessons that I learned from you over four years and really a lifetime of being your friend. And I'm sure my kids are tired of me at the dinner table telling stories about what Coach K said back in the late 90's, but the lessons that I learned of standards-- - Standards. - Respect for others. And you don't go through Duke without telling the story about next play. And the next play metaphor is so important for really every aspect of my life. - Right, right. - And it's not so much what you accomplish, what you fail to accomplish, as much as it is how do you attack that next opportunity? With a passion, with a focus, with a togetherness, with a mindset that I'm going to be successful regardless of what just happened. And that has been the most important lesson in my life. When I retired from the NBA I really struggled. - It is a big transition. - It is. - I found that to be one of the biggest challenges in my career is helping a young man whenever he transitions out of not playing. That can be right away. It can-- and that's not just people who are done playing after two years it's like you've been, who were really successful. But that transition can be almost all consuming. - It's daunting. - Yes - It's daunting when you take the jersey off for the last time and you realize that most your life has been in pursuit of throwing that ball through that hoop. - Or in your case stopping somebody. - Or stopping somebody, yeah exactly. He's trying to stop Kobe and Carmelo and these Hall of Famers. - Well you did a good job. You were a national defensive player of the year multiple times. - And so, there's so many people that sprain their tricep patting themselves on the back after a great play and there's so many people that slink their shoulders and lose confidence and almost give up because they had failure. No, those are both impostors. - Right. - It's how-- we have a play we have a play to make. We have a presentation to make. We have a client to go after. We have a youth soccer game to cheer for. What's next? What's next? And the people in life who have that "next play" speed, those are the people that have long term success. And that's what we did here Duke and that's what works in the outside world. - Let me ask you...

About the Instructor

Mike “Coach K” Krzyzewski is the winningest coach in men’s college basketball history. For the first time, he’s sharing the secrets to building an environment conducive to success. Learn how to read body language, deliver difficult feedback, and identify talent. Whether on the court or in the office, you’ll be confident exercising leadership strategies that influenced players like Kobe Bryant and Shane Battier.

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Coach K

12x “Coach of the Year” Mike Krzyzewski teaches how to motivate a team. Discover your innate leadership skills with drills to prepare for success.

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