Business, Sports & Gaming

Develop Emerging Leaders

Coach K

Lesson time 12:06 min

Establish a tiered approach to your organization’s structure that supports early leaders and accommodates upward mobility.

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Topics include: A Tiered Approach to Leadership • Don’t Delegate, Empower • Identify the Leaders on Your Team • Creating Captains


[MUSIC PLAYING] MIKE KRZYZEWSKI: AJ, you've got Powell. Five white shirts and again. Okay, Blue's going to come out. What I liked about that one-- One of the greatest responsibilities you have as a leader is to ensure the people you lead are becoming better, stepping into leadership positions and strengthening the team unit as a whole. So many people think of leadership as one person, you know, the head of the organization, and leadership is plural. It's plural. [MUSIC PLAYING] I call it tiers. If your organization was a 10-story building, the leader is on the 10th floor. The leader should have confidence that what's happening on the 1st floor is being taken care of. If it can't be taken care of there or in the other floors then it comes up to you, but I should be aware of the fact that I have leadership on that 1st floor. In the military it would be the squad, the 10 people, not the platoon of 30 or the company of 100. Those are tiers. Same thing in an organization. And you know what? Your tier is as important as any tier and we need leadership at all those levels. When we get that leadership we get the job done. Not only that, do we get the job done, but the people who are leading at that level get better and you do not have to change your tier to show that you're important, you know, but you're capable of doing something else in leadership. It's okay to stay in your tier. It doesn't mean, you're a bad person. You know, I'm not moving. I'm not-- do you like what you're doing? Does your family? Like, what's your balance in life? Be careful about always thinking there's something better. Take advantage of the opportunities you have in your space or your tier and then see where that leads and constantly be growing. As a leader, if I'm on the 10th floor, I can't stay there. A leader should be fluid. A leader should not be behind her or his desk. A leader needs to go and visit the 1st floor and come down and say, wow, what you all did saved us so much money, so much time, and so that you're recognizing. You can't just have good leadership. You have to recognize it if you want it to happen over and over, over again. And that's why the fluidity of the leader is so very important. [MUSIC PLAYING] If you have people on your team, you don't delegate, you just don't always tell them what to do, you empower them to do their jobs. I'm going to be doing stuff like this a lot in a practice where you sub on your own. There's a certain level of autonomy that each person in your organization should have. That's when you really do well. If you have to constantly wait for the leader's approval for everything you do, that's horrible. And how does that make you feel? Like, I need to ask mom or dad if I can go out or? No, I'm going to get my job done. And by the way, I see this, I can get that job done. Everyone doesn't need to know everything you do. In the military we go ...

About the Instructor

Mike “Coach K” Krzyzewski is the winningest coach in men’s college basketball history. For the first time, he’s sharing the secrets to building an environment conducive to success. Learn how to read body language, deliver difficult feedback, and identify talent. Whether on the court or in the office, you’ll be confident exercising leadership strategies that influenced players like Kobe Bryant and Shane Battier.

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Coach K

12x “Coach of the Year” Mike Krzyzewski teaches how to motivate a team. Discover your innate leadership skills with drills to prepare for success.

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