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Coach K Teaches Values-Driven Leadership

Coach K

Lesson time 06:05 min

Legendary coach Mike Krzyzewski—best known as Coach K—teaches values-driven leadership. With five national championships and three olympic gold medals, the winningest coach in NCAA history helps you develop a personalized path to success.

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 [MUSIC PLAYING] [AUDIO LOGO] CROWD: Go Duke! Go Duke! Go Duke! Go Duke! Go Duke! [MUSIC PLAYING] MIKE KRZYZEWSKI: We're playing North Carolina. The Duke-North Carolina game is always like this amazing game on its own-- --and now it's the last game of the regular season. My last game in Cameron. CROWD: Let's go Devils. MIKE KRZYZEWSKI: I wasn't emotional about it. We played and we had a good first half, then had the lead in the second half, and then we were very poor. They were great in the last 10 minutes. ANNOUNCER: He's got it at big time. There was that middle ball screen, now a switch. Manek launches a 3. - Then they won. ANNOUNCER: On Mike Krzyzewski's final night coaching in this arena and they hand the Blue Devils a loss. MIKE KRZYZEWSKI: And they deserved to win. They played better than we did and I found myself being hurt because there was a part of me that felt my team should have won for me, which was so bad. The next time we met I took responsibility and that was on me. But when it happened I thought it was on them and I forgot that it's always about us. I'm going to start getting emotional right now because I let them down. And even at 75, coaching 1,600 games, emotion can get the best out you and you have to be able to manage it. I've just finished a career in coaching of 47 years. I'm not through learning about being a leader. [MUSIC PLAYING] You're constantly adapting to an environment, but you are also adapting to who you are at that moment. What, are you going to stay the same? Come on. Come on. You can't stay the same. You got to keep getting better. ANNOUNCER: Puts it up. MALE REPORTER: Mike Krzyzewski is now the all-time winningest coach in Division 1. FEMALE REPORTER: He had won three Olympic Gold Medals. MALE REPORTER: And 12 times he's been named the National Coach of the Year - I want to clear up one thing. It's K-R-Z-Y-Z-E-W-S-K-I. MALE REPORTER: He's bigger than the alphabet. MIKE KRZYZEWSKI: I am the alphabet. ANNOUNCER: Duke Has won its first national championship. The first time in two decades college basketball has a repeat champion. Duke is the king of the dance 2010. - I got chills. Let's go, man. [MUSIC PLAYING] I think leadership is the least hot occupation that there is in the world, but it's the occupation that transcends every occupation. If you're in medicine, law, you name it, you're going to do better if you have good leadership. A lot of people think the leader is the head of a company, the head coach. They only look at it as one leadership position, but really, a person can be a leader in every group that they are a part of, even if they aren't the...

About the Instructor

Mike “Coach K” Krzyzewski is the winningest coach in men’s college basketball history. For the first time, he’s sharing the secrets to building an environment conducive to success. Learn how to read body language, deliver difficult feedback, and identify talent. Whether on the court or in the office, you’ll be confident exercising leadership strategies that influenced players like Kobe Bryant and Shane Battier.

Featured MasterClass Instructor

Coach K

12x “Coach of the Year” Mike Krzyzewski teaches how to motivate a team. Discover your innate leadership skills with drills to prepare for success.

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