Business, Sports & Gaming

Give Feedback

Coach K

Lesson time 08:51 min

In this lesson, learn how to give feedback and recognition, and navigate difficult conversations that can determine the success of your team.

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Topics include: Giving Difficult Feedback • Give Recognition


[MUSIC PLAYING] MIKE KRZYZEWSKI: You have to have interaction with your team, and it can't just be on a performance report quarterly. And it can happen impromptu, like you're walking by, like I noticed on the last report your input on that was unbelievable. It was really good. Another time, you know, I'd like to get more from you in this. Adding something personal when you're giving something for the business is huge. A person still wants to be thought of as a person, not just I'm doing this one job for you, like you don't even know this or. I'll give you an example. I heard, you know, your son just won a big game, or I know you're going through something with your mom being in the hospital. You know, you good? Good. Also, it doesn't have to be the ultimate team leader relaying that information. It can be like, for me, the assistant coach, where they know they're being touched, that their work is being seen and people are concerned about them. That goes a long way. Another aspect would be if a key player, your best player or best players tell another player that they can do it, or come and shoot with me. It's kind of what you do as a good person, and somebody who wants to see a teammate get better, a fellow employee get better. As you prepare to give feedback, reflect on these questions. When should I give the feedback? Feedback doesn't have to wait until the next review cycle. If you see something happening, address it in the moment to get the most impact. How personal can I be? Acknowledging your teammates as people and letting them know you care about their well-being outside of work is one of the greatest ways you can show someone respect. Who should give the feedback? Sometimes feedback is best received by a different voice. For me, that might be an assistant coach, but for you, it might be a team member. [MUSIC PLAYING] Recognition in leadership is important. In my sport, the star, the leading scorer, the person who's hit the winning shot, they're going to get recognition, you know, the public recognition. After a game, I don't make it a point to give recognition to the star, but I do give recognition to the people who helped the star become the star. You know, Joe, you did-- you were the guy who set the screen, man. Or, you know, for those four minutes, you stopped their leading scorer and that gave us the window in order to improve. Or you made the pass. That was a great pass. By the way, pass it more, because every time you pass it, I have a better time scoring. Now, how can you do that in the workplace? There might be a lunch of celebration, where you are able to say, look, behind the scenes, this group, led by so-and-so with these people, that was the hidden secret behind what we're doing. And somehow, you've got-- you have to do that. Now, it goes back to building a team, respect. Everybody's important. [MUSIC PLAYING] One of the interesting aspects of being a leader i...

About the Instructor

Mike “Coach K” Krzyzewski is the winningest coach in men’s college basketball history. For the first time, he’s sharing the secrets to building an environment conducive to success. Learn how to read body language, deliver difficult feedback, and identify talent. Whether on the court or in the office, you’ll be confident exercising leadership strategies that influenced players like Kobe Bryant and Shane Battier.

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Coach K

12x “Coach of the Year” Mike Krzyzewski teaches how to motivate a team. Discover your innate leadership skills with drills to prepare for success.

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