Sports & Gaming

Playback: Studying Simone's Meets On Bars

Simone Biles

Lesson time 8:25 min

Simone reviews and deconstructs footage of some of her most notable performances on bars, including her top-scoring routine from the 2018 World Championships and her routine from the 2018 U.S. Classic.

Students give MasterClass an average rating of 4.7 out of 5 stars

Topics include: 2018 Worlds Podium Training • 2013 American Cup • 2018 U.S. Classic • 2013 U.S. Classic • 2018 World Selection Camp


[MUSIC PLAYING] SIMONE BILES: Something I do to gain confidence in myself-- I try to watch back videos so that I feel more comfortable going into whatever I'm about to do. Throughout my whole entire gymnastics career, I was terrified of bars. It was my weakest event. I never understood why you have to swing by your arms and go from bar to bar. That didn't seem normal to me, so I wasn't very interested. So I really had to work on the fundamentals throughout my entire career. I still do to this day. And it turns out, in the long run, it's useful, because at this meet, 2018 world's podium training in Doha, I actually got a world silver bar medal. I would have never thought that in my wildest dreams. So in this routine, I have a couple new skills-- mainly at the end, but a new combination at the beginning. And see, I'm really taking my time on each skill. Don't give up now. Don't die. You're almost done. Here we go into the dismount. Good, clean dismount. Don't pull in. And there we have it. Very pleased with that. So mentally, we did a lot of pressure sets. Almost every week, we had pressure sets on bar so that I believed that I could compete this routine. And it's a salute routine, so you pretend--it's just like competition. How would you perform under pressure? Even though the audience isn't there, he'll tell you-- if you fall in this routine, you have this x amount. If not, I'll give you your assignment afterwards. And that really helped me along the way, but we always started bars off with our fundamentals and basics. So this is my very first international assignment I was given. Honestly, right there, I was thinking, don't screw up, or you'll never get another assignment again. I was terrified. I'm literally terrified right now. I can hear Marta. I can hear my coaches I'm rushing. You can see how I'm rushing in the skills. I'm not completing the handstands, the turns. I am swinging, man. Pike to pak. But you can already tell I'm not completing any of these skills. I'm just rushing through the whole entire thing. You can just see the rhythm is off. The whole routine is me just trying to get on the bar and off the bar-- which I was really good at. I was pleased with my performance. The biggest meet of my life so far, and I made my routine. I didn't think that I could do better, because this was my biggest assignment, highest pressure situation I've ever been put in, and I just hit my routine, so that was enough at that point, for me. My advice for you, if you're under your first high-pressure situations, competitions, would try to relate it back to training. You've done everything you can in your power to get you where you are, so just keep going, keep pushing, because it'll be worth it. So this meet was 2018 US Classic's. I was really confident going into this routine, a little bit too excited. Nerves got to me, so you can see that I start to rush through the routine by not completing all my tu...

About the Instructor

At 22, Simone Biles is already a legend. With 14 medals, including 10 gold, Simone is the most decorated World Championship American gymnast of all time. Now the Olympic gymnast—part of the gold-medal-winning USA gymnastics "Final Five"—breaks down her techniques for vault, uneven bars, balance beam, and floor. Discover how Simone performs under pressure, learn to practice like a champion, and claim your competitive edge.

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Simone Biles

Gold-winning Olympic gymnast Simone Biles teaches her training techniques—from beginner to advanced—so you can practice like a champion.

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