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Simone Biles

Lesson time 04:15 min

Meet your new instructor: four-time Olympic gold medalist Simone Biles. She’s ready to inspire your gymnastics training by demonstrating fundamental and advanced skills and by giving you tips for setting goals and working with coaches.

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[MUSIC PLAYING] - When I was a young gymnast, I was exactly like you. I had a lot of love and passion for the sport, but I needed to work on my technique and fundamental skills to improve. Because little Simone, she was just this cute, bouncy gymnast that did whatever she could with her body. Flailed it in the air and just thought I was the greatest thing of all time. But now I care a lot more about how my form looks and how I compete. Now I know the importance of mastering my basics, and what it feels like to push beyond hundreds of repetitions. You see this Simone on TV, on the big screens. But I want to take you into my gym and break down some of the best skills and drills so that you can get here one day, too. [MUSIC PLAYING] I'm Simone Biles, and this is my MasterClass. Welcome to my gym. [MUSIC PLAYING] When I was younger in my training groups, there were always girls my age and a little bit older that were better than me, that I was always striving to be better than or try to get to their level because they would always beat me. And I'm like, oh, I really want to beat them this meet. But, you know, I still always went in there and did the best that I could. And I always told myself, that's OK, because they're inspiring me to want to be better and to want to be in their position when I'm their age. And I always looked up to the older girls on our team, because one day, I wanted that to be me. And I wanted the little girls to look up to me and want to be as good as that. So I think it's very important to have inspirations. And I think that really helped me grow along my career. I really looked up to Aly Raisman and Alicia Sacramone because I felt like I was built like them, so I felt a connection. And I saw how powerful they were. And I was like, well, if they can do it, I can do it, because I'm a very powerful gymnast. I wasn't like Natia. I wasn't very elegant, and lanky, and flexible. That was not me. I was more of a power gymnast. So seeing those connections made me realize I could do it, too. I'm excited to teach this MasterClass because I wish there was a platform whenever I was younger that I could learn off and watch my idol, rather than just be in the gym and do it. You can expect to learn some fundamentals, advanced basics, and some of my own personal skills throughout this course. If you take away one thing from this class, I hope it's that you find confidence throughout your gymnastics career. Something you can do after this course is write down your goals so that you have a visual of what you want to accomplish for this season. Even though I'm at the elite level, I was once in your shoes. And it wasn't easy to get where I am, but just know that there are steps and goals that you have to achieve to get to where I am one day. Make sure you take it one day at a time and you find the love and passion in it so that you can accomplish your achievements. Although gymnastics can be very fun, it ca...

About the Instructor

At 22, Simone Biles is already a legend. With 14 medals, including 10 gold, Simone is the most decorated World Championship American gymnast of all time. Now the Olympic gymnast—part of the gold-medal-winning USA gymnastics "Final Five"—breaks down her techniques for vault, uneven bars, balance beam, and floor. Discover how Simone performs under pressure, learn to practice like a champion, and claim your competitive edge.

Featured MasterClass Instructor

Simone Biles

Gold-winning Olympic gymnast Simone Biles teaches her training techniques—from beginner to advanced—so you can practice like a champion.

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