Sports & Gaming

Jason's Game

Garry Kasparov

Lesson time 06:42 min

“What else can you do?” Garry breaks down Jason’s moves and answers questions about what his opponent could have done differently.

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So you always play d4? Yeah. OK. So you want to play King's Indian and give you a chance to show. So after, I don't know, e5, take or castle? I mean, I play both. Taking is-- So that's why I play Na6, just to make sure that we avoid-- avoid the immediate simplification. So castle, which is again, a second-rate move I think. But this one this is not. It's too early, so this is-- it's the Re1 or Be3. We keep the pressure. It's not a great line, so it's playable, but-- and I wouldn't recommend it as a first choice. But after d5, you go to the Petrosian system. But now it's the-- fairly comfortable. And you don't have to play Bg5. Bg5. So I'd have to. Yeah. Here is Bg5. Be3. And now, b6 probably, this is Nd2. And black has a choice. It's this Ng4, which I will probably play, take the bishop. Or actually, in an interesting move, Bg4. That's the idea just to. f3? Now, after f3, then I go back and then my knight has just I have an opportunity just to activate my knight, so your kingside, kingside is weakened. But both do for giving a fairly comfortable game, so that's why it's not. So for after Ng4 for instance, you'd have an exchange. You do what, a3? And this is I think this is a pawn sacrifice. We take here, we take, you win the pawn, but then just Black has start to push. You know h5. It's again, king is a little bit exposed. And I have two bishops and pawn, it's too far. So the endgame. But I don't know. I would consider. I haven't played it for a long, long time, because nobody plays it anymore, with White so. So I'll probably find when I just played Re1 after take,take, I'm not sure what to do. But this is not a good combination of moves. Here you can play f3 or you can go-- OK. That's-- We can just simply play f3. This is the-- no, Na6 and d4 are not just going together. Also, I would rather play c6 here. And then you go Bf1. That's the line. So c6, Bf1? Yeah. Yes, it's theory. Because this is, now I'm comfortable. But of course, you don't have to play Re1. This is a case where I say you better pass. Don't make a movement, because after Re1. And that's typical. So sometimes there's a possibility when if there's room for queen, then after take, Bg5, just to take. But it just doesn't work. I was a little surprised by that one. So there's another move, Nd2, here. But then black has Bh6. It's important-- I just think if I was going to play Nd2, I might as well play Nd2 here. Yeah. But I still play-- oh, I would play on Bh6 anyway, because now b4 I can take and win the pawn. You play Qc2, a5. And that's the old classical position. So black bishop is already activated, and my knight is here, so it's an excellent position for black. That's a dream. King's Indian dream. There's no. After yo...

About the Instructor

At age 22, Garry Kasparov became the youngest world chess champion. After beating Bobby Fischer’s peak rating, he outranked his fiercest competitors for over twenty years. Now, Garry is ready to share the chess strategy that made him a six-time world champion. Through detailed lessons, including his favorite openings and advanced tactics, you will develop the instincts and philosophy to become a stronger player.

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