Sports & Gaming


Garry Kasparov

Lesson time 04:35 min

Garry's teaching reflects his style of play: direct, dynamic, and ambitious. He shares what he will cover in this class, including concrete instruction for players at different levels.

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My teaching style will be quite similar to my playing style. It's dynamic, direct. You may call it aggressive. doesn't survive on the chessboard, and there is no place in my teaching either. This Masterclass is for anyone who likes the game of chess, wants to improve his or her own chess game. It's a Masterclass, which means we have to discuss different elements of the game of chess. We'll talk about the openings, maybe not as much as many of you expect. We'll talk about middlegame, strategies, endgames, tactics, the way to recognize chess patterns, the way to apply the knowledge that you'll be learning through this Masterclass. No matter how much knowledge you can draw from this Masterclass, there's so much more to learn, and you will have to use it as a platform for future learning. You have to appreciate that chess is an immensely rich game, and you can always keep finding new ideas that will make you happy. Nothing could make people happier than-- from my perspective, of course-- as to find new ideas and just to make yourself more engaged in this endless process of exploration. And, of course, all these lessons are based on my personal experience. Personal stories are making a very important part of this Masterclass because I want you to understand how I, Garry Kasparov, learned this thing, why I believe it's important, and how this experience could help you to look at certain positions, at certain patterns, at certain techniques from my own eyes. There are many personal details-- of course, stories about my matches and the way I prepared for them-- and I believe that creates the right mixture that will help you to navigate throughout this very complex process. While people talk all the time about one person being more talented, but another one being a hard worker, hard work is a talent, because hard work means that you keep going, you keep fighting, you know how not to quit under pressure. Even if you fail, you don't succeed, but you keep going. You keep pushing. And only the combination of natural talent, natural ability to play chess or play music, combined with a talent to work hard-- that creates winning combination. I will believe that this Masterclass was a success if I can inspire you to learn not just about the game of chess, but about other things. If you feel enriched, and encouraged, and inspired-- and I hope that with this class, I will inspire you to love the game of chess as much as I do. Well, almost as much as I do. I'm Garry Kasparov, and this is my Masterclass.

About the Instructor

At age 22, Garry Kasparov became the youngest world chess champion. After beating Bobby Fischer’s peak rating, he outranked his fiercest competitors for over twenty years. Now, Garry is ready to share the chess strategy that made him a six-time world champion. Through detailed lessons, including his favorite openings and advanced tactics, you will develop the instincts and philosophy to become a stronger player.

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