Sports & Gaming


Garry Kasparov

Lesson time 13:40 min

The moment an opponent’s pieces lose their ability to counter threats, you can start building your attack.

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Topics include: Cutting Communication between Enemy Pieces • Classic Case of Interference • Kasparov vs Kamsky, 1993 • Fischer vs Benko, 1963 • Interference in Endgames • Challenge: An Interference Study


Now let's talk about another category of deflection called interference. Interference is a form of tactics that disrupts harmony of the opponent's position, and cuts communication lines between enemy's pieces. And let's have a look at the simple position where white literally cuts communication between opponent's pieces. It's an endgame where black temporarily has a decisive material advantage. As you can see, it's extra rook. If nothing happens, extra rook wins. But it's white to move. And white could start by attacking one rook, and also preventing rook giving a check on f4 square. And black should be aware of danger. And to sacrifice rook immediately, eliminating all the pawns, and we, moving it into drawish endgame. Because if black doesn't feel the danger, and tries to keep both rooks on the board, then you can guess the move-- f4. Can you imagine, literally cutting communication between two rooks? One king attacks two rooks. Doesn't happen very often. Rooks are powerful pieces, but this time king has its day. And if black king comes to rescue, and our rook from a8 gives the check, and it's over. Because black, he has to move. And one rook was lost. And if black takes here, then it's a lost endgame. Because white pawn will be unstoppable. So this simple example shows you the power of interference. But of course, it's not as simple when you have practical games. But as an important tool, it could work well, if you know how to combine it with other themes. Let's have a quick look. So what do we see? Black king is in trouble. But how our queen-- that's the piece that can checkmate this king-- get to this diagonal? Because it seems at first sight that black queen protects this d5-square and protects this f7-square. That it protects both squares. But what if we use one of our pieces named the rook for interference and deflection? Beautiful move. Rook just moves like a pawn, once square up, Re7. And black is dead. Because if black takes this rook with the bishop, then queen no longer protects f7-square. That's a classic case of interference. And if black takes with the queen, then it's another classic case of deflection, because now our queen can appear on d5, and its mate, Qf7, we simply take on f7, because knight is also under attack. So that example shows the power of interference when it is being used to attack opponent's king. And now we're back in Linares, 1993, the last round. I already secured my first place in the tournament. But played Gata Kamsky, wanted to win the game. And it was a good game. Build up my attack. And as you can see now white is winning, it's still the same number of pawns. But black pawns are very weak. But most importantly black king is in desperate position. While white king is well-protected, black king is in danger. But to deliver the final blow, Qe7, we just have to close this d...

About the Instructor

At age 22, Garry Kasparov became the youngest world chess champion. After beating Bobby Fischer’s peak rating, he outranked his fiercest competitors for over twenty years. Now, Garry is ready to share the chess strategy that made him a six-time world champion. Through detailed lessons, including his favorite openings and advanced tactics, you will develop the instincts and philosophy to become a stronger player.

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Garry Kasparov

Garry Kasparov teaches you advanced strategy, tactics, and theory in 29 exclusive video lessons.

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