Sports & Gaming

Endgames - Part 3

Garry Kasparov

Lesson time 14:32 min

Garry believes miracles happen when you know how to create them. While most players spend time on openings, you can make game-changing miracles by studying the rich possibilities of endgames.

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Topics include: Endgame Paradoxes • Domination in the Endgame • Bishop and Knight Mate • Making Mistakes in the Endgame


There are also some paradoxes that we should remember. Of course in pawnless endgames, most of the positions are drawn. Of course computers proved that now some of the positions that we always believed were drawish now could be won in a few hundred moves. But there's one position with a pawn and a lone, enemy king that cannot be won. So we have a bishop and a pawn. And if the bishop doesn't control the square of promotion, the game is a draw. So that's very important because many, many positions could have this one as the target. Very often you can work out your defense based on this assumption that if you can eliminate all the pieces except pawn, rook's pawn, and the bishop of the wrong color-- not the same color as the promotion square-- then you can save the game. And you have to be aware that your opponent can be also looking for these tricks. That's an important rule. And also remember that having king there is vital. Because if king is not in the corner, then it's not a draw. So for instance-- if you can, for instance, cut the opponent's king from the corner, then it's-- the game is lost. So if black goes here and your king manages to be here, it's another draw. And also you should remember that if you have extra pawns, then it could make position tricky. If you had one black pawn on g7 or g6, it's still a draw. Because if you eventually stalemate black there, so it can just simply move the pawn, and it-- then nothing happens. Because stalemate is the only idea. But if, by accident, black has two pawns-- two doubled pawns-- you may call another case of interference or distraction because those two pawns are not playing into black's hands. Actually it helps white win. I played this game against Nigel Short in 1989, reversed colors. I played with black. And it ended up with me going just with my king going around. Because if king goes there, bishop goes there, for instance, it's just-- and then black-- either black king has to leave the corner, which is bad, or it goes there and then we just do a stalemate. And basically now pushing these pawns and creating the stalemate threat time and again, it ends up with this position. So, for instance, we reach this position and either black goes on h6 and my king goes behind. Or it goes there, then I stalemate, forcing g4, take. And this pawn-- this pawn is there. So it has to play g5. And then I go back with my bishop and win. So there are always exceptions. There are always new answers. But, again, it's important to remember-- bishop and a pawn, a rook pawn, versus a lonely king may not be a winning position if your bishop doesn't control the promotion square. And to help you to understand the geometry of the board-- it's an empty board. Nothing is there. I would like to share a couple of thoughts on domination. What is domination? It's when we dominate. But do you think domination means ...

About the Instructor

At age 22, Garry Kasparov became the youngest world chess champion. After beating Bobby Fischer’s peak rating, he outranked his fiercest competitors for over twenty years. Now, Garry is ready to share the chess strategy that made him a six-time world champion. Through detailed lessons, including his favorite openings and advanced tactics, you will develop the instincts and philosophy to become a stronger player.

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