Food, Home & Lifestyle

Tomato: Enhanced

Dominique Crenn

Lesson time 12:08 min

In the first of three tomato lessons, learn how to dehydrate tomatoes by blanching them. Then turn the skins into powder.

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Topics include: Tomato Enhanced * Dehydrated Tomato Petals

Dominique Crenn

Teaches Modern Vegetarian Cooking

Turn vegetarian dishes into statement pieces with celebrated chef Dominique Crenn. Explore her techniques through a tasting menu of elevated recipes.

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In the sunlit garden, are ruby treasures of the Earth. [MUSIC PLAYING] The first time I ate a tomato, I was, I don't know, maybe four years old. I went down to my grandmother's garden, and I picked up a tomato from the garden. And I think I've done it many times before, but that moment stay with me forever. I just pick a tomato, put it in my mouth, like I was eating an apple. And then suddenly, it just-- the layering, the flavor, it was just an explosion of flavor. And I felt different. Tomato is one of my favorite. Could be a vegetable, it could be a fruit. And it is just something that I love to cook with. So today, we're going to bring you a little bit of my recipe and my love and my memory to these dishes. What's beautiful about it also is you're going to learn more about the tomato. It's just not just a regular tomato, which usually often look like red and just kind of run like this. But you have like different color. You get the heirloom. You get the-- I mean, it's just fantastic, from black to yellow to red. And it's just an array of color and different tastes also. So I want also to talk a little bit about tomato and seasonality of the tomato. Growing up in France, often we have tomato during the summer. That's when we could eat tomato. I remember when I came in the United States, I was a little bit confused about that tomato was available, you know, year around. So I want to make sure. I just want to make a point, tomato, it's a summer vegetable or fruit. So make sure that when you want to do something with tomato, make sure that you go into the farmer's market, you talk to your farmers. If you want to can tomato, buy a lot of tomato during the summer, and then you can use them during the winter. But the best tomato, I offer during the summer. Seasonal is very important when you do a recipe. Just choose your product at the time the product is at its peak. You can use them raw. You can roast them. You can pickle them. You can make sauce out of it. You can grill them. You can ferment them. You can make beautiful tomato water with it. I mean, this is the ultimate vegetable/fruit that you need to have on your pantry, but seasonally. In this and following chapters, we are going to make three stages of a tomato dish that you can progress with, along with other beautiful vegetable-forward dishes. Now, we are going to enhance the tomato. This version is great for those who have limited time but still want to make an impressive dish. We will dehydrate a tomato skin and flesh to make petals, then make tomato powder. We will plate the petals, sprinkle them with the powder from the skins, and garnish with seasonal herbs and flowers. You can make a beautiful plate with these components or eat them as a snack. [MUSIC PLAYING] So we're going to start with doing petal. What you want to do is, literally we want to dehydrate the skin and the flesh of the tomato, marinate it in a little bit...

About the Instructor

With three James Beard awards and a three-Michelin-starred restaurant, Chef Dominique Crenn has transcended traditional vegetarian fare by treating cooking as a kind of poetic expression. Now the celebrated chef invites you to discover inspired vegetarian cooking. Following a full tasting menu of recipes, learn how to elevate your techniques, minimize waste, and turn vegetarian dishes into works of art.

Featured MasterClass Instructor

Dominique Crenn

Turn vegetarian dishes into statement pieces with celebrated chef Dominique Crenn. Explore her techniques through a tasting menu of elevated recipes.

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