Food, Home & Lifestyle


Dominique Crenn

Lesson time 24:43 min

Chef Crenn teaches you how to clean, confit, and roast leeks, and shows you the steps to make a warm vinaigrette. Prepare a béarnaise sauce to top it all off in an elegantly plated dish.

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Topics include: Leeks * Warm Vinaigrette * Béarnaise Sauce * Leek Confit

Dominique Crenn

Teaches Modern Vegetarian Cooking

Turn vegetarian dishes into statement pieces with celebrated chef Dominique Crenn. Explore her techniques through a tasting menu of elevated recipes.

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[MUSIC PLAYING] - A wild dance together to the memories of a devotion unspoken. OK, so now we're going to do-- we're going to make a dish. And is-- I love it. It's delicious. I grew up with it. Leek is an allium. It's a part of the allium family-- shallot, garlic, green onion. We grow it at the farm, you know, in Sonoma in California. I come-- my parents come from an area in France called Brittany. And they have the best leek. We call it [NON-ENGLISH]. Often, leeks is used in stock or perhaps leek soup. But I think on its own it is just-- I think it's-- the leek is the queen. So we're going to show you how to do a version of the leek vinaigrette today. So make sure that when you work with a leek, it's clean. You know, leeks come from the bottom of the soil. You know, Earth going to be kissing the leek. So you don't want to eat that. You want to kind of clean that up. You know, the easy way is get a bowl with room temperature water and just get you leek inside to make sure you wash it properly. So first, you want to trim your leeks crosswise, close to the root end, so you can use as much of the white part of the leeks for this recipe. There is a part of the leek that could be a little bit bitter. So you can discard that. You can use it to make soup, or you can ferment that, or you can do any sauce with it. So what we want to do is we're going to make a warm vinaigrette first to start. Then we take that liquid vinaigrette. And we're going to pour that over the leek. And then we're going to bake it in the oven. We're going to do a bearnaise sauce. And you can make just a beautiful artistic dish. What I love about the leek also if you have leftover, the next day you can heat them totally cold. It's delicious. [MUSIC PLAYING] So the first thing is you get a pot. You get some beautiful oil. And then so what are we going to do, we're going to infuse some garlic, some bay leaves into the oil first. So this is olive oil. You don't want to over boil that. Make sure you control the oil. Get a thermometer. You don't want this over 300 degrees. The reason why we're doing this is not to cook the oil. It's to get flavor, to infuse flavor. So I'm going to need a little bit of a clove of garlic. Once again, you can put shallot if you want, bay leaves. You want to kind of crack the bay leaf to kind of open the flavor. And then a little bit of thyme. And you're going to see. Like, I can smell it. Like, it's getting warm. And it's getting a little bit infused it. And then you can hear. You know, food when you cook is-- you can hear. It's like a music to your ear. So you can see it. So when it kind of crispy-- the thyme a little bit. So you want to go down on the temperature. Once again, you want to infuse. You don't want to cook it. Oh, yeah. This is good. And then the aroma thing is coming out. I'm going to do a little bit of champagne vinegar. I love champagne vinegar. You can put cider...

About the Instructor

With three James Beard awards and a three-Michelin-starred restaurant, Chef Dominique Crenn has transcended traditional vegetarian fare by treating cooking as a kind of poetic expression. Now the celebrated chef invites you to discover inspired vegetarian cooking. Following a full tasting menu of recipes, learn how to elevate your techniques, minimize waste, and turn vegetarian dishes into works of art.

Featured MasterClass Instructor

Dominique Crenn

Turn vegetarian dishes into statement pieces with celebrated chef Dominique Crenn. Explore her techniques through a tasting menu of elevated recipes.

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