Food, Home & Lifestyle


Dominique Crenn

Lesson time 17:39 min

Learn how to make a mushroom stock that will serve as a base, along with vegetables, confit, and smoked egg yolks. Make mushroom foam, and slice and season mushrooms to incorporate into a beautiful dish.

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Topics include: Mushroom * Mushroom Essence * Cold-Smoked Egg Yolk Confit * Mushroom Foam * Smoked Egg Yolks * Mushroom Salad

Dominique Crenn

Teaches Modern Vegetarian Cooking

Turn vegetarian dishes into statement pieces with celebrated chef Dominique Crenn. Explore her techniques through a tasting menu of elevated recipes.

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[MUSIC PLAYING] INSTRUCTOR: The earthly song of the elfin singers. [MUSIC PLAYING] Mushroom, mushroom, mushroom. I mean, mushroom is an ingredient that is very close to my heart. The love of mushrooms started with my father. My father was often taking us, my brother and I to the forest to go forage mushroom and blackberry, and all of it, and tell a story about life. It was one of the greatest moment of being able to connect with my father and my brother. It's also a moment of learning about the texture of what life is about. So today, I want to showcase one of my favorite dish. It's also I choose some mushroom that are easy to find. Once again, there's a lot of mushrooms out there, very seasonal. But I choose the cremini mushroom today to showcase this beautiful ingredient that for me, represent what Earth is about. And so in this chapter, we are going to make essence, and turn that into a gel. We will smoke the egg yolk that we confit, make a mushroom form and slide, and season the mushroom. It's going to be magnificent. [MUSIC PLAYING] So first, we're going to start to do a mushroom essence, which is literally a stock. I'm starting with a burnt onion. I use white onion, kind of sear it on the pan, on the grill, kind of burn it. And what it's going to do to the stock is going to kind of give a beautiful darker and deeper color to it. So I'm just putting that in the stock, all of it, a little bit of leeks, some garlic, and some aromatic, which is thyme. As you know, I love thyme. And then there's no waste. So the stem that I'm not using, I'm going to use it to make the stock. Water, once again, make sure the water is purified. And what do you want to do is about-- to reduce it by half, so 50%. That will take you know, maybe an hour. It really depends how much liquid. You don't want to boil it. You want to kind of reduce it very slowly. And magic, what's going to happen is, literally, it's kind of the color that you want. This is a reduction. This is a mushroom essence, very earthy. I can smell the mushroom. And this is what your final product needs to look like. You don't want to reduce it too much, otherwise, it could be very syrupy. So that's the first step of the mushroom. I'm going to turn this mushroom essence into-- half of it, I'm going to use to turn into gel. This is the same method that I've showed you earlier, tomato recipe, very similar recipe. And we still using agar agar, and let it sit-in the fridge. [MUSIC PLAYING] So the next step of this recipe is, we're going to add some beautiful egg form. You want to separate the yolk from the white. Do not throw away the white. You can do a lot of things with it. So keep it on the side. So we are going to confit the egg yolk. We want to make sure there is not really any white. We're going to settle them into olive oil, and do all of them together. The way that you choose your eggs, what I like to use, obviously, is fres...

About the Instructor

With three James Beard awards and a three-Michelin-starred restaurant, Chef Dominique Crenn has transcended traditional vegetarian fare by treating cooking as a kind of poetic expression. Now the celebrated chef invites you to discover inspired vegetarian cooking. Following a full tasting menu of recipes, learn how to elevate your techniques, minimize waste, and turn vegetarian dishes into works of art.

Featured MasterClass Instructor

Dominique Crenn

Turn vegetarian dishes into statement pieces with celebrated chef Dominique Crenn. Explore her techniques through a tasting menu of elevated recipes.

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