Food, Home & Lifestyle

Meet Your Instructor

Dominique Crenn

Lesson time 10:59 min

Chef Crenn shares her deep connection to food and how her passion evolved into a celebrated career that showcases vegetables as the main attraction. She also shares an overview of the class lessons, which are structured as a tasting menu.

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Dominique Crenn

Teaches Modern Vegetarian Cooking

Turn vegetarian dishes into statement pieces with celebrated chef Dominique Crenn. Explore her techniques through a tasting menu of elevated recipes.

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[FOOTSTEPS ECHOING] [CROWD CHEERING] [MUSIC BUILDING] DOMINIQUE CRENN: When you build a dish, it's like almost walking through life. All the layering of life that you love, that you feel needs to get into your food. I want to use food as a language. I want to use food as a way to change people way of looking at things. I want to eat food to be able to better this world. I'm considering myself as being a rebel period. Obviously, I'm a chef and I'm also human. I'm a woman. I'm an activist. I'm a lover. I'm a fighter. I don't really like the convention of things. I want people to think before to do things. I want kindness. I want respect in the world. And I feel that we're not there yet. And so maybe I do things differently but I do things because I want change to happen. I'm here to just bring back what matters and bring that beautiful gift that we've been giving from earth and cook it and make it delicious so people understand the need and the importance of vegetable and eating vegetable. I remember when I was very young I pick up a tomato in the garden and I was just blown away by the taste. Often, vegetable have been treated as secondary, you know, it's never been a star on the plate. Whether you a meat-eater, a vegetarian, pescaterian, this class is for you. I assure you. [MUSIC PLAYING] I was so lucky to grow up in this beautiful country called France. My parents, both of them, come from farmers. My mom was an amazing cook. My grandmother was an amazing cook. At a very young age, I was taught to understand the connection with nature, to understand dishes of my grandmother sitting down with her. My grandmother farm, it was located in Brittany. She had a potato farm. And the first time I came on the farm and I was very young, it was during the summer when they were harvesting potato. And I saw my uncles just working really hard and picking up one by one those potatoes to make sure they were getting the right one. And I saw the sweat and hours on the field through a very hot summer. And I understood how hard those task were. So I remember the following summer, my dad and my mother asked me where I wanted to spend summer. You want to go to a camp? And I said no, no, no, no. I want to go and work on the field because I want to learn. And that was hard work. I remember those faces in front of me, of all those sweat and wrinkle and dirt and that was what was beautiful about it. I was just blown away by it. And I thought that those people should be celebrated. And so that's how I understood that farmers at the rock star. And farmers at the key of the change that we need to have. I was always fascinated by the cooking, the team, the symphony of it but going into a cooking school was not something that was welcome for a young woman like me. And so I just went through business school and economy. But I was struggling to be able to find creativity in the way that I wanted to express myself. ...

About the Instructor

With three James Beard awards and a three-Michelin-starred restaurant, Chef Dominique Crenn has transcended traditional vegetarian fare by treating cooking as a kind of poetic expression. Now the celebrated chef invites you to discover inspired vegetarian cooking. Following a full tasting menu of recipes, learn how to elevate your techniques, minimize waste, and turn vegetarian dishes into works of art.

Featured MasterClass Instructor

Dominique Crenn

Turn vegetarian dishes into statement pieces with celebrated chef Dominique Crenn. Explore her techniques through a tasting menu of elevated recipes.

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