Design & Style, Home & Lifestyle

Meet Your Instructor: Corey Damen Jenkins

Corey Damen Jenkins

Lesson time 05:50 min

Corey explores his design influences in Detroit and his accomplishments as a designer. He outlines what he will teach and teases the living room set designed specifically for this class.

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 [POWDERING HANDS] [KNIVES SHARPENING] [MUSIC PLAYING] - I believe that interior design should be accessible to everyone. We all deserve to live the very best quality of life possible. I want you to understand the value that you should be placing on yourself. What is your taste? What is your style? So I want you to learn how to make your home a true haven. This class is basically for two different types of individuals. One, the design enthusiast who wants to know how to decorate for their home and to really understand the nuances of interior design and decoration. And number two, for the actual professional designer, the person who is looking to make a career in this industry. We're going to teach you all the ins and outs of how to make this field successful for you The forensic evidence suggest that I was interested in interior design as early as four years old. My mother would set the living room and she would decorate it, and I would come behind her and change everything. I would be sketching on my grandparents' coffee table in their lovely home in Detroit. The beautiful historic homes had great architecture and plaster work. The art deco influences, they were just works of art. The styling of Detroit really impacted me, and of course, how I approach interior design. So it's always been in me to design. It's always been in me to be fascinated with the construction of furniture and how things work when it comes to visual aesthetics. But I definitely received pushback when I decided I wanted to pursue interior design full-time. There simply weren't men of color in the field being featured prominently. And I allowed other people for a very long time to direct me on a pathway that I really didn't want to go down. And I was pretty powerless to fight back, because I didn't have confidence or faith in myself either. When you don't get support from the people you love the most to pursue something that is so special, that means so much to you, it takes the wind out of your sails. However, it can also fuel your fire. And that's exactly what I did. I decided that I would take the nay-saying and the doubt and the lack of confidence in my gifts and my creative powers and I would channel it in such a way not to prove other people wrong, but to prove myself right. That's why I decided to launch my design firm. And I started knocking on doors one street after another, one week after the other. I had doors slammed in my face, I had dogs let out that chased me off properties on more than two occasions. And I told myself, OK, 800 doors is what we're going to do. If I don't get a hit within 800 doors, then I will start working at Starbucks. At least they have benefits, you know. At door number 779, this lovely couple answered the door. I didn't really have a established portfolio. I only have my sketches and some color boards, and that was enough for them to give me ...

About the Instructor

Considered one of the most prominent interior designers working today, Corey Damen Jenkins creates elevated spaces for clients across the globe and believes everyone should have access to great design. Now he’s teaching you how to build bold, functional interiors on any budget. From mood boards to space planning, learn how to embrace the design process, make choices with confidence, and turn your home into a true haven.

Featured MasterClass Instructor

Corey Damen Jenkins

Acclaimed interior designer Corey Damen Jenkins shows you how to make bold, functional interiors on any budget—from mood boards to space planning.

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