Design & Style, Home & Lifestyle

Design Is for Everyone

Corey Damen Jenkins

Lesson time 03:03 min

Corey reflects on the significance of his journey as a man of color in interior design, and invites students to use the process of discovery to build confidence in themselves.

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[MUSIC PLAYING] - So I really hope that you've enjoyed this MasterClass. I've certainly enjoyed being with you. It's been an absolute honor and an inestimable privilege to share with you these different secrets and behind-the-scenes ideas that we do as interior designers. And I really hope that you will take away from this class the immense amount of joy that comes from being an interior designer. As a man of color in interior design, obviously it's very important to me that we break some barriers, that we make it easier for others to succeed and to grow. And that was what really motivated me to publish my first interior design book, Design Remix. In writing Design Remix, I wanted to do whatever I could to reset the narrative for young people, young Black, Brown, Asian-- everybody. And I think I spent more time figuring out what I wanted this introduction to be than anything else in the book. So this is the introduction. For my first book, Design Remix, "I dedicate this first book to every hopeful child of color who dreams of designing the world. The doors have been opened, and we are eagerly awaiting your arrival. Always remember that no one can make you feel inferior without your permission. Race is something you run and win." So, yeah, that's always-- the tears are tears of a mix of frustration and sadness and joy because I recognize that this forward could maybe break people out of a shell. It could possibly encourage them to see that it can be done. There is someone out there that has done it. And I'm not the only one. Elevator doors close unless they're propped open. And we are going to prop them open. We're going to keep them open. But now the responsibility lies on you to come forward. Don't ask for a seat at the table. You don't have to ask for permission. All you have to do is pull out the chair and sit down and contribute. Design is for all people. [MUSIC PLAYING]

About the Instructor

Considered one of the most prominent interior designers working today, Corey Damen Jenkins creates elevated spaces for clients across the globe and believes everyone should have access to great design. Now he’s teaching you how to build bold, functional interiors on any budget. From mood boards to space planning, learn how to embrace the design process, make choices with confidence, and turn your home into a true haven.

Featured MasterClass Instructor

Corey Damen Jenkins

Acclaimed interior designer Corey Damen Jenkins shows you how to make bold, functional interiors on any budget—from mood boards to space planning.

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