Design & Style, Home & Lifestyle

Living Room Walkthrough

Corey Damen Jenkins

Lesson time 10:42 min

Corey takes members on a field trip to tour the living room space designed specifically for this class. He walks you through many examples in the room of his signature design style, called “Eclectic Exuberance.”

Students give MasterClass an average rating of 4.7 out of 5 stars

Topics include: Utilizing Space · Artwork and Shelving · Final Touches


[MUSIC PLAYING] - So let's take a field trip. I want to give you a tour of this living room space behind me, which has been designed to reflect many of the design principles that I am sharing with you in this MasterClass. In this MasterClass classroom, I wanted to showcase for you, as the students, some great examples of what we call eclectic exuberance, and they are all around us here in this optimized space, from the jewel tone color palette to the textures and the pattern play. All of these things, to me, celebrate what we consider to be the gold standard of interior design. When I'm designing a space, it is key that I put together my cast of characters, figuring out who's my lead actor, who's my lead actress. In this particular space, I would say that the lead actor and actress are undoubtedly the sofa and the rug. Why is that? Well, the sofa has this great vibrant jewel tone color. It has the velvet at play as far as the textures and this really fantastic traditional bullion fringe trim across the bottom of the frame. And it's justified visually, as far as its color, by the rug directly beneath it. In fact, the entire color scheme for this optimized classroom was pulled from the rug. It has all the different elements, the different visual beats, that you need to satisfy the color palette in this space. So recall how I showed you on that mood board how is celebrated fashion-forward design, great color, pattern. And we really picked that up here in this MasterClass classroom. We have on this sofa a medley of pillows, one of which is featuring a tartan pattern. We also built in the breaks by having some pillows that are solid in their color. And that way, it's not too busy. The rug has a lot going on as it is because of this design. And by placing a solid sofa and then these pillows here, that speaks to what was accomplished on the mood board in terms of pattern play and bold color. Certainly, great design is governed by symmetry and scale. There is nothing wrong with being asymmetrical in a certain space, as well, depending upon what you're looking to achieve. For example, on this sofa, we have three pillows on one side and a larger pillow on the other side. Why is that? Well, it's because the pillow on this side actually has accompanying players. It has a floor lamp and an end table. The grouping of three-- this pillow, the table, and the lamp-- basically balances out the grouping of three pillows on the opposite side of the sofa. We also have here this coffee table. It is traditional in nature, obviously. But it's a great juxtaposition against the more modern and clean lines of the sofa nearby. It is also paired with this credenza, which has a very simplistic, almost kind of organic sunburst motif happening with wood inlays portrayed on the frame of the piece. And I love the fact that, even though they are both stained wood items, they have two very different visual vernaculars. One's a bit more tradition...

About the Instructor

Considered one of the most prominent interior designers working today, Corey Damen Jenkins creates elevated spaces for clients across the globe and believes everyone should have access to great design. Now he’s teaching you how to build bold, functional interiors on any budget. From mood boards to space planning, learn how to embrace the design process, make choices with confidence, and turn your home into a true haven.

Featured MasterClass Instructor

Corey Damen Jenkins

Acclaimed interior designer Corey Damen Jenkins shows you how to make bold, functional interiors on any budget—from mood boards to space planning.

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