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Brandon McMillan

Lesson time 13:11 min

No is the most common command. It ensures safety on walks and in the kitchen, enforces basic manners and respect, and stops unwanted behavior.

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[00:00:00.00] [MUSIC PLAYING] [00:00:14.67] - If there's one command you'll be saying to a new dog in your house, whether it be a puppy or a dog from the shelter, it's the "no" command. One thing I'll guarantee you, any dog is new in your home will be getting into trouble left and right. [00:00:27.18] And this is why a "no" is so important to train. If trained correctly, a "no" command could be a lifesaver, whether your dog is reactive to other dogs or you accidentally dropped food on the ground that's toxic to your dog. [00:00:37.95] The setup for this technique is very easy. All I have here is a long leash staked into the ground. The dog will be wearing a harness. And as always, I'm training on a platform. This makes your training so much more easy and efficient. [00:00:49.50] A lot of people choose to use the "leave it" command instead of the "no," or they also train the "leave it" and the "no" command. I like to use the word "no" instead of "leave it." It's all up to you because the technique is all trained the same. [00:00:59.97] My subject for this demo is Rufus, a dog that definitely needs to learn a "no" command. The whole point of the anchor leash is to lock it off on something, so the dog can't move forward. Whatever you're using at home, whether it's a picnic table or the top of the stairs, just try to find something to anchor it to. [00:01:26.42] All right, all I'm going to do is place a treat at about a foot away from him, and the anchor leash is stopping him. I'm going to say the word "no" as I put it down. Now what's going to happen, he's going to struggle here. That's very expected. I'm going to keep saying the word "no," and all I'm going to do is wait him out for him to stop struggling. No. [00:01:44.18] And he's already stopping, but he's going to go. I'm going to wait for a good probably five to seven seconds of him just calming down, which he is right now. No. Now all I'm going to do is wait him out, no. And he's calm right now. Another few seconds, and OK, good. [00:02:04.99] Now I'm going to do this over and over. What's going to happen, the more I do this, he's going to struggle less and less. He's going to sit there and do nothing, which is exactly what I want him to do. No. He's already getting it. No, he's going to put a little bit of a struggle up right now. No. [00:02:19.06] And I'm going to wait him out. I'm going to wait him out. He's realizing he can't get it because the anchor leash is stopping him. Once again, I'm going to wait him out. This is very normal. This is very expected. No. [00:02:30.22] And I'm going to wait for that good five to seven second sweet spot. And oy. No. Wait him out. There we go. He's calm. He's doing nothing, which is exactly what I want to see. And OK, good. Good. [00:02:47.76] Same thing. I'm going to say "no" and just drop it right there. Wait him out. He's going to struggle a little bit, and he gives up. This is exactly what I want to see. Perfect. And OK, good. And same th...

About the Instructor

The Emmy-winning host of "Lucky Dog", Brandon McMillan is an expert trainer dedicated to building relationships between humans and animals. In his MasterClass, Brandon shares his simple, effective training system to help you develop trust and control with your dog. From using commands like sit, stay, and down to fixing barking and digging, you’ll learn how to improve your dog’s behavior—and create a lifelong bond.

Featured MasterClass Instructor

Brandon McMillan

Expert animal trainer Brandon McMillan teaches you his simple, effective training system to build trust and control with your dog.

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