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Lesson time 09:44 min
Also known as recall, come is an important skill that teaches a dog how to return to you from any distance.
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Topics include: 6 Feet + · 10 Feet + · Adding Distractions · Off-Leash Recall
Teaches Dog Training
Expert animal trainer Brandon McMillan teaches you his simple, effective training system to build trust and control with your dog.
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[00:00:00.00] [MUSIC PLAYING] [00:00:20.28] - OK, today we're going to learn the come command, which is also known as the recall. The come command has a great command if you take your dog to the dog park, you take him hiking. Obviously, if you don't have a good come command, your dog's running all over and you're chasing them. Not what I'd recommend. [00:00:32.98] And obviously it's a great command to have around your house. When you call your dog, they come right to you, instead of you going to them. Also important-- your treats are vital here. You want to make sure you're using a treat that your dog doesn't like-- they absolutely love. [00:00:45.69] And also, it's best to train this when they're very hungry. So typically before feeding time is ideal. And if your dog doesn't have a stay like Bess here, it's better to train this with a second person. So I brought my trainer Anthony along to help me. [00:00:57.84] All right, I'm just going to take a few steps back, leash in my hand. I'm going to simply say her name and the come command at the same time, and she should come right to me. If she doesn't, I have the leash to guide her to me. So here we go. [00:01:09.64] Bess, come. Bess, come. Again, she's not coming. I'm going to guide her in. Good, that's a come, all the way. Bess, come. Good, there you go. That's a come. Good. [00:01:20.36] So she was a little slow on the start of that one, which is to be expected sometimes. I was shocked she didn't come running to me because she likes the bait. And again, a few feet back, I'm going to call her name and slap my leg at the same time. Bess, come. Bess, come. [00:01:35.88] Good, there you go. That's a come. Good. Nice. And that time she came. So again, we're just going to make it a few feet to start out with. We do not move on until she perfects this distance. [00:01:48.24] You ready? Good? Bess, come. Good, there you go. Now you're coming. Oh yeah, oh yeah. Good girl, that's a come. Nice. Bess, come. There you go. That's a come. Good, nice. [00:02:05.04] That's a come. Good girl. That's a come. And so same thing, back up a few feet. And I'm simply going to call her name and slap my leg and say come at the same time. Bess, come. Come. [00:02:18.05] Good, there you go. That's a come. Good girl. That's it come. Heavy praise when they get to you. Same thing, rinse and repeat. [00:02:31.14] Bess, come. Good, nice. That's a come. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Bess, come. Come. Good, nice. That's a come. Perfect. Oh yeah, good girl. OK. [00:02:49.48] Bess, come. Good. Nice. That's a come. Very good girl. [00:02:56.94] [MUSIC PLAYING] [00:03:03.31] So now that we got the the building blocks of a three-foot distance, we're going to double it now to six feet. So I'll be at the end of my leash. And the exact same process. Get back six feet, say the name, slap the leg, and say come all the same time. [00:03:21.44] Bess, come. Bess, come. And if she's not coming like this, I'm simply going to pull her. Bess, c...
About the Instructor
The Emmy-winning host of "Lucky Dog", Brandon McMillan is an expert trainer dedicated to building relationships between humans and animals. In his MasterClass, Brandon shares his simple, effective training system to help you develop trust and control with your dog. From using commands like sit, stay, and down to fixing barking and digging, you’ll learn how to improve your dog’s behavior—and create a lifelong bond.
Featured MasterClass Instructor
Brandon McMillan
Expert animal trainer Brandon McMillan teaches you his simple, effective training system to build trust and control with your dog.
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