Food, Home & Lifestyle

Recipe: Tuna Sashimi

Wolfgang Puck

Lesson time 16:36 min

Wolfgang brings one of Spago’s most famous appetizers to your kitchen. Learn how to select ingredients, pair flavors, and utilize color to create this stunning dish.

Students give MasterClass an average rating of 4.7 out of 5 stars

Topics include: Selecting Fish • Ponzu Sauce • Fennel Apple Salad


Appetizers are very important because it's the beginning of the meal. They have to appeal to the eyes and they have to taste delicious. I'm going to show you how to make one of our most famous appetizers, which is a tuna sashimi. We generally use yellowfin, Bigeye, or there's the bluefin tuna, which is really on the endangered species list. So you can get farm- raised bluefin tuna which is more fatty. Look at that tuna. It has to be nice, bright red. You know, we eat with our eyes first, so it's really important that the tuna looks really good. Don't buy one which was sliced already. And then have the fish monger or the clerk in the store cut your nice long piece. First, we're going to make an avocado puree. Then, I'm going to make a little salad dressing with some pebble will be added to the yellow chili and orange juice. And then I'm going to make a ponzu-style sauce. So I going to make a really complex in a way, but easy to realize at home. So first of all, I'm going to start with an avocado puree. So I have a tamis here. All right. And then you use super ripe avocados. Cut them in half, and then in quarters. I did the opening of the Cannes Film Festival. And one of the dishes had avocados on it and I didn't know how to ripen them, so I put them out on the terrace in the sun. They all got black and stayed hard. And then I came home and I told my avocado grower down in Fort Brooke. I said, what happened with your avocados? They didn't get ripe. He said, what did you do with it? I said, I put it outside. He said, you idiot. You put it in a brown paper bag in a dark room at room temperature and they were ripen in no time. Just like that. You have a spoon? So you want to be sure to get all the green part. See how easy it is? And then you pass it through a tamis, or, if you have a small blender, you can make it in a blender, too. So now with the back of a spoon-- let me chop it up a little bit before, maybe just like that-- and with the back of a spoon, we're going to just press it through our tamis here. See that? All right. So if you have a small sieve, but a tamis is always really useful in the kitchen to sift your flour or your cocoa powder, or to make the finest mashed potatoes. Or what I do here to make a great puree of avocados. So that's the first step. All right, you see that? All of our avocados are through the sieve. Now look at the back. We have to take it off here, see that? I'm going to add a little lemon juice and just a little touch of salt. The lemon juice or lime juice will help it to stay green if you make it in advance. OK, a little salt. And now we're just going to mix it well together. And here we go. You be sure could taste it before, because every step has to taste delicious. A little more lemon juice, because these are really rich avoc...

About the Instructor

Legend has it Wolfgang Puck came up with his famous smoked salmon pizza when his restaurant ran out of bagels—and ended up changing the way America cooks. In his MasterClass, the five-time James Beard Award-winning chef behind more than 100 restaurants brings you into his kitchen. You’ll learn not only how to master starters, mains, sides, and cocktails, but also how to take risks to create memorable recipes of your own.

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Wolfgang Puck

In 16 lessons, learn exclusive recipes and cooking techniques from the chef behind Spago and CUT.

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