Food, Home & Lifestyle

Recipe: Oatmeal Risotto

Wolfgang Puck

Lesson time 19:22 min

Think oatmeal is only for breakfast? Think again. Learn Wolfgang's imaginative recipe for oatmeal risotto, as well as proper knife-handling and mushroom cleaning techniques.

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Topics include: Oatmeal Risotto • Morel Prep • Pea Purée


Oatmeal is normally such a big breakfast. But I love to make an oatmeal risotto. I'm going to show you how to make the most delicious vegetarian or even vegan risotto with spring peas and morels. You have to start out like any risotto-- with a good stock. Now we're going to make a vegan dish here so we're going to make vegetable stock here. You can see I'm boiling here already for an hour, carrots, onions, thyme, leeks. All my leftover vegetables. Don't throw them out-- you can make a delicious vegetable stock. So it's really easy and fast too. Just put it on the fire and let it simmer. Don't add salt to it because sometimes when you reduce your stock, it gets too salty. Stock should always be neutral. Now here is the way that oats look like. Can you see like, little grains here? So normally, I know you'll get them out of the box and they're cooked in two minutes. Not this one. This one have a great bite to it, just like rice or couscous or like Israeli couscous or any other grains. So we're going to start with the risotto because that takes the longest. The first thing I'm going to do is drain my stock here. All right. So I have another pot here. And a strainer. All right. So be careful, this is very hot. Now it is important to keep the stock on the fire super hot, like almost a small boil do it. And then here, I have some water to blanch my peas and I'm going to make a pea pur��e. So that's really easy to do. I'm going to do that in a little bit. Now let's start with the risotto. So I'm going to put my pan on here. You can use a shallot or an onion. You know shallots are smaller, but they have a similar flavor than your onion. So you're always peel them first. If you don't fine shallots, just use a regular onion-- white onions, red onions, doesn't matter which one. All right. So I'm go to chop that really finely. So now, I'm going to show you how to hold a knife properly. So you see if you have a shallot like that or an onion like that, you cut it in half. Now you see on one side here is the root and here is that top, which grows out of the earth. So you leave the root here. Don't cut it because it will hold your shallot or your onion together. And then-- don't forget, don't put your fingers out like that. Always keep them like that and your knife can really just slide on your finger here. And then you cut it in half once. And then you go like that. See how easy that is? So a little training and you can cut the shallot just like I do. If you have the root left, don't put it in there. Just put it away. So if you would like them even finer, then you hold your fingers like that and you'll go up and down with the knife. So you just go through like that. See that? So if you don't make them fine enough on the first try, that's the way to do it. S...

About the Instructor

Legend has it Wolfgang Puck came up with his famous smoked salmon pizza when his restaurant ran out of bagels—and ended up changing the way America cooks. In his MasterClass, the five-time James Beard Award-winning chef behind more than 100 restaurants brings you into his kitchen. You’ll learn not only how to master starters, mains, sides, and cocktails, but also how to take risks to create memorable recipes of your own.

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