Food, Home & Lifestyle

Recipe: Roasted Chicken With Mustard Port Sauce

Wolfgang Puck

Lesson time 12:05 min

Wolfgang breaks down the recipe he created for his Los Angeles exclusive French restaurant Ma Maison. Discover the secret to perfectly crispy chicken skin, and learn to make a tangy, sweet sauce that makes this dish unforgettable.

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Topics include: Searing and Oven Roasting Chicken • Mustard Port Sauce • Dandelion Greens Salad


Chicken is probably the most popular protein out there. Everybody eats chicken. Most of the time people complain, say, ah, chicken is bland, chicken has not this or that. I gonna show you how to make a delicious chicken with a port wine mustard sauce. The most important thing, though, is that you have your stock ready. Now we have a beautiful veal stock which we reduced to a demi-glace. So it will be really easy to make a great sauce. Now, it is so simple. I have here a half a chicken. So try to keep it at room temperature before you cook it. Take it out half an hour before. And then you have to season it. A little salt and pepper on both sides. All right. If you like it spicy, just add a little bit more pepper. All right. So now the chicken is ready. You don't need any flour on it, or any breadcrumbs, or anything. The chicken will get extra crispy if you sear it in a really hot pan. OK? So here we have a pan. Let's turn the fire on. I cook on an induction stove here, but you can have gas, you can have electric, whatever you have. The most important part is to have a good heavy saut�� pan. Why? Because if you have one of these thin saut�� pans, you'll get hotspots there, and you never will be able to get a crispy chicken. You will burn your chicken. So do yourself a favor. Go out and buy some good saut�� pans if you want to cook like I do. So now-- I cook a lot with olive oil. So I'm going to add some olive oil into my pan and wait for it to get really hot. You can see the oil. If oil gets a little teary in here, that means it's getting hot. OK, so when do you know how to put your chicken in here? When the oil gets a light smoke. So don't worry about the heat. Turn it up to high. And then you always can turn it lower a little bit. You can see now my pan is getting hot. So it's really easy to put your chicken in here now. It's really easy to see the heat. All right? All right. So if you want a beautiful brown skin and crispy skin, put your chicken in a hot pan with a little olive oil or vegetable oil. See, I have no butter in here, because the butter would burn over high heat. So use some good oil, some inexpensive olive oil, or sunflower oil, or vegetable oil. All right. And again, see? If the pan is hot, your food doesn't stick. So it's really simple. Don't turn the chicken over every second. It is really important to cook the chicken on one side, mostly. You don't really have to cook the meat side, because it dries out the meat. All right. Now let's look underneath. Yeah, I think that's really OK now. Let's look here. All right. You can see it's nice and brown already. So now-- now I'm going to put it in the hot oven. I have my oven here at 500 degrees. And I'm gonna cook it for about 12 to 15 minutes. ...

About the Instructor

Legend has it Wolfgang Puck came up with his famous smoked salmon pizza when his restaurant ran out of bagels—and ended up changing the way America cooks. In his MasterClass, the five-time James Beard Award-winning chef behind more than 100 restaurants brings you into his kitchen. You’ll learn not only how to master starters, mains, sides, and cocktails, but also how to take risks to create memorable recipes of your own.

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