Arts & Entertainment

Scene Studies: Physical Gesture

Natalie Portman

Lesson time 06:51 min

Natalie shares three performances by actors who have inspired her, breaking down thow they use physical movement to reveal character in surprising ways.

Students give MasterClass an average rating of 4.7 out of 5 stars

Topics include: Use Real Life Accidents: A Woman Under the Influence • Try the Unexpected: Before the Devil Knows You're Dead • Find Interesting Gestures for the In-Between Moments: The Deer Hunter

About the Instructor

Natalie Portman began acting professionally at 12 and won an Oscar before she turned 30. As a self-taught actor, she uses personal techniques to create compelling, complex characters. In her first-ever acting class, Natalie shows how empathy is at the core of every great performance, how to bring real-life details into every role, and how to build your own creative process. Get ready for your breakout performance.

Featured MasterClass Instructor

Natalie Portman

Oscar-winning actor Natalie Portman shares the techniques at the heart of her acting process—and teaches you how to tackle your next role.

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