Arts & Entertainment

Developing Your Character Through Research

Natalie Portman

Lesson time 07:43 min

Real-life resources are invaluable for developing your character. Natalie explains how historical research, documentaries, and even YouTube videos can help you understand your character’s motivations and behavior.

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Topics include: Draw Your Character From Real Life • Use Documentaries to Inform Your Character • Use YouTube as a Resource • Learn the Historical Context for Your Character • Invent What You Don't Know • Research Ahead of Time

About the Instructor

Natalie Portman began acting professionally at 12 and won an Oscar before she turned 30. As a self-taught actor, she uses personal techniques to create compelling, complex characters. In her first-ever acting class, Natalie shows how empathy is at the core of every great performance, how to bring real-life details into every role, and how to build your own creative process. Get ready for your breakout performance.

Featured MasterClass Instructor

Natalie Portman

Oscar-winning actor Natalie Portman shares the techniques at the heart of her acting process—and teaches you how to tackle your next role.

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