Sports & Gaming

The Power of Influences & Inspiration

Lewis Hamilton

Lesson time 09:03 min

Lewis shares lessons from those who have inspired and mentored him from early in his career. He discusses finding mentors for different purposes, and how they played a part in his motivation, career path, practical skills, and overall success.

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Topics include: Look for Yourself in Others Emulate Your Idea of Success Keep an Open Mind Respect Those Who Came Before You Make a Difference With One Person Look for People Doing Great Things


- Hi, how are you? - How are you doing? LEWIS HAMILTON: I think one of the most important things is finding people that can inspire you. I was lucky enough in my experience to look at my dad, for example. Came from normal beginnings, spent a lot of time growing up on the couch at his home. Now I see him, and he has a house of his dreams. And he has the cars that he has dreamed of. And his goal was to create an opportunity for his kids that perhaps he didn't have. And now I'm in the position to hopefully create opportunities for and encourage others who were like me when I was a kid, who maybe don't have a person to look to. Role models are inspirational, and they show you what is possible. [MUSIC PLAYING] There are a few people that I looked up to when I was young-- Muhammad Ali. One of the things I thought of Muhammad Ali was, one, he looked like me. So he showed me that it's possible for someone like me to be able to succeed at something. He stood for so much. He stood his ground. He fought for what he believed in. He was funny and witty about it. And he would say, I'm going to go out there and win. And I think those were positive-- even though people would joke and laugh at the things he said, they were positive affirmations. - I'll be pecking and a-poking, pouring water on his smoking. And this might shock and amaze you, but I will destroy Joe Frazier. LEWIS HAMILTON: He was telling you all what he was going to do. But he truly believed that. So that-- the lesson from that for me was speaking positively, telling yourself you can do it. And that's what I do when I'm training, when I'm practicing on the track or on a simulator, or working with my engineers. That's what I tell myself. [MUSIC PLAYING] Ayrton Senna raced Formula One. And when I would come home, I would watch-- I would put on this video of his-- it was just called "Racing is in My Blood." And it's the only video I had. I got it for Christmas when I was probably eight or something. And I watched it like a million times. I was sitting right next to the TV looking at just how he was staring, how he was turning through the corners, how aggressive he was, how he spoke about the things he believed in, how focused-- laser focused he was. And at the time, I looked at him and was like, that's what I want to do. I've got to be an aggressive driver. If I'm going to be a driver, I've got to be aggressive. I've got to believe in myself. There is no limit. If you're not going for a gap, then you're no longer a racing driver. So I'm going for every gap. So he was an inspiration for me. [MUSIC PLAYING] At the end of 2012, I was coming to the end of the contract, my contract with McLaren, who had signed me when I was 13. We'd had six amazing years together. I had a choice, either to continue on with them, or do I go somewhere else and test everything I've learnt there, and see if I can build something new in a team...

About the Instructor

As the winningest Formula 1 driver in the history of the sport, Lewis Hamilton knows what it takes to come out on top. Now, he’s teaching you how to achieve greatness in your own life. Whether you already know your goals or are still trying to figure them out, you’ll learn how to face your fears, turn negatives into positives, and continuously challenge yourself in order to find—and reach—your true potential.

Featured MasterClass Instructor

Lewis Hamilton

World racing champion Lewis Hamilton teaches you how to prepare your mind, body, and spirit for victory in your own life.

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