Community & Government

Hillary's Framework for Hard Work

Hillary Rodham Clinton

Lesson time 13:15 min

Working hard is not a new concept. But in this lesson, Hillary offers a framework for how you can work smarter by being a workhorse, not a show horse, constantly evaluating your prioritization, sweating the details, and always showing up.

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Topics include: Hillary’s Framework for Hard Work • Simplify Your Life With Prioritization • Be a Workhorse, Not a Show Horse • Sweat the Details •


[MUSIC PLAYING] HILLARY CLINTON: We've all heard before how important it is to work hard. In this lesson, I want to share with you how I've taken that philosophy and used it to make an impact, have longevity, and most of all, be resilient. You know, I was raised to work hard. And I think that instilled in me a good work ethic through my whole life. When I was young, I worked for my dad's drapery business, washed dishes, and even slimed salmon in Alaska. Don't ask. So hard work, uncomfortable work, has never been something I've minded doing because at the end of the day, who does the work really matters. And the people who will do the work, who will get up earlier, stay up later, do as much as they can in every single day, it's not always true because sometimes people don't know how to work hard, and they waste time, even though they think they're working. But it's I think generally true that people who work hard are going to get ahead faster. Because there's just a premium on producing results from hard work. But it's also important to work smart. So no matter what kind of work you're doing, having a theory of the work, if you will, you know, how can I get as much done as quickly? How do I avoid wasting time so I can produce, you know, more than I want? How can I get my work done so that I can have time with my family and my friends? So working hard is obviously focused on doing what it is you're engaged in and often what you're paid to do. But you have to be smart about how you work hard. When I think about working hard, there are four principles that I try to live by. Prioritize, sweat the details, be a workhorse, not a show horse, and always keep going. Setting priorities is key to anything you do, and for me, it's how I keep myself from getting overextended, from getting too long of to-do lists that I know I'm not going to get to in a timely manner. I prioritize things in three categories, urgent, immediate, and longer term. If it's something that I need to address right away, then it's urgent, and I drop everything for it. Immediate refers to things that contribute to my medium and longer term goals but don't require prompt attention. And then longer term encapsulates activities that are more normal and mundane and may be relegated to the lower part of my to-do list. And I just try to get to as much as I can during my day. And I keep lists. I'm a listmaker because I find it so satisfying to cross things out that I have gotten done. And I really try constantly to be evaluating, how am I going to spend my time? My time is the most precious asset I have. It is the way I try to organize everything. When do I start? When do I end? How do I have time for fun, time for family, time for friends? Working hard, prioritizing your work, being organized to do your work and to try to meet your priorities actually simplifies your life and in the end, buys you more time and more peace of mind. 62 counti...

About the Instructor

With a lifetime of smashing barriers and achieving at the highest levels of public service, Hillary Rodham Clinton has learned to tap deep wells of resilience to reach her goals. Now the former U.S. senator and secretary of state is teaching the values, lessons, and practical tools that help her rise above, even sharing her never-before-heard 2016 presidential victory speech. Be inspired to own your ambition and make your mark.

Featured MasterClass Instructor

Hillary Rodham Clinton

Barrier-smashing leader Hillary Rodham Clinton teaches you how to overcome setbacks and build a life of principle and purpose.

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