
The Power of Mindful Masturbation

Emily Morse

Lesson time 19:17 min

Mindful masturbation is a way to reach new heights of sexual pleasure. Emily teaches you how self-pleasure can help you cultivate body confidence and self-love.

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Topics include: Masturbation Is a Healthy Part of Any Relationship • Practice Mindful Masturbation • Transcend Your Normal Routine • Harnessing the Breath • Embrace Self-Love


[00:00:00.30] NARRATOR: This class contains mature content. Viewer discretion is advised. [00:00:10.02] [MUSIC PLAYING] [00:00:17.32] - Masturbation is one of my favorite topics. My philosophy on masturbation is that it is the key to figuring out your body and what makes you feel good. It's actually the roadmap. Our body contains all the information we need to actually figure out what makes us feel good. [00:00:35.53] So when we start to masturbate, right? We start to figure out what kind of touch feels good and we don't have the pressure of someone washed watching us or like a deadline to perform, we're actually doing the work, and we're taking the time. And this is, like, fun work. I call it work, but how fun that your only job when you masturbate is to get curious and think, like, what-- does this feel good? You know, does it feel good in my inner elbow? [00:01:02.55] What happens is when we rely on our partners-- like, I used to think that my partners-- my penis partners-- were shipped off to some secret school where they learned all about, you know, vulvas and what we needed because I had no idea. I had no idea what pleased myself. But then, you know, when I discovered masturbation, I thought, oh, this is-- I-- no one else knows my body as well as I do. So let me be the master of my own domain. [00:01:30.68] [MUSIC PLAYING] [00:01:37.27] I used to think that if my partner had to masturbate-- and i hear this every single day. Like, every single day, I hear this from somebody that if my partner has to still masturbate, then that must mean that I'm not enough, that I somehow I am-- you know, that I'm missing something, that I'm not fulfilling all of his needs. When the truth is that having a healthy masturbation practice is an important pillar of your overall sexual health and well-being. [00:02:04.09] And so that's another part of this equation that we just have so many confusing messages around it. Like, it's-- you know, it's taking away from a connection we have with a partner. But really, when you do it in a way that is empowering and healthy, it actually fuels you. It actually informs you. [00:02:22.57] It actually helps you become more confident in your body because you're like, oh, I didn't know I could do all of these things. And look at all this control and power and all the ways I can feel. It's like I-- it's actually a really, you know, empowering practice. [00:02:40.06] And then once we do that and we've done our own learning, then we-- you know, we can tell our partners. We can share that information so they're not guessing, right? And your partner's not a mind reader. How are they supposed to know what actually feels good to you? [00:02:55.90] And believe me, your partner is going to be-- they're like, great, just show me the road map. Like, let me know what you need. That's how it works. We're, like, allowed. I'm giving you permission to go on your own sexual journey to actually figure out what feels...

About the Instructor

The host of the long-running podcast Sex With Emily has made it her mission to normalize the conversation around sex and share her judgment-free approach to discovering a more pleasure-focused sex life. In her MasterClass, she helps you learn how to identify what you want, communicate your desires, and discover new sexual adventures. Pleasure is your birthright—it’s time to talk more about sex.

Featured MasterClass Instructor

Emily Morse

In her MasterClass, Emily Morse empowers you to talk openly about sex and discover greater sexual satisfaction.

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