
Take Control of Your Orgasm

Emily Morse

Lesson time 19:54 min

Learn how to think differently about pleasure. Emily offers insights into how to enhance and intensify orgasms through exploring anatomy, and explains the various ways people experience arousal and desire.

Students give MasterClass an average rating of 4.7 out of 5 stars

Topics include: Drop Unrealistic Depictions of Sex • Rethinking Sex Ed • Expanding Orgasmic Potential for Vulvas • Prolonging Arousal for Penises • The Power of the Mind • Kegels: An Exercise to Deepen Your Pleasure


[00:00:00.30] ANNOUNCER: This class contains mature content. Viewer discretion is advised. [00:00:09.98] [MUSIC PLAYING] [00:00:17.24] - We are responsible for our own pleasure. I'm responsible for my orgasm. You're responsible for your orgasm. It's not about your partner giving you an orgasm. It's about us understanding what we need and what feels good. [00:00:31.01] For me growing up, I thought that something was wrong because I thought every vulva owner was going to have an orgasm during PV sex, that penis goes in vagina and then explosive orgasm happens. Come to find out-- and this is something that you probably don't know, either, because every day someone says to me, "I had no idea"-- that only 20% of vulva owners orgasm during penetration. You know, there's something called the orgasm gap, which is real. [00:01:03.95] So in heterosexual relationships, penis owners take about four to six minutes to orgasm, let's just say, on average. A vulva owner takes between 10 and 40 minutes. That is a gap. That is why-- that is why there's such an orgasm disparity. And there's been so many studies around this as well that just shows time and time again, penises are going to orgasm. They just are. It's going to happen. [00:01:28.92] In fact, heterosexual penis owners orgasm the most during sex. And amongst vulva owners, lesbians orgasm the most. In general, vulva owners have less predictable orgasms and need more varied sexual play and stimulation to close the orgasm gap. [00:01:45.64] I believed that I was broken, that something was wrong with me, because the only kind of sex I saw were that everyone else like me was having an orgasm every single time. And I knew once I started masturbating, oh, I can give myself an orgasm. But I felt so much shame during intercourse if I touched myself. [00:02:05.98] When I'm with men, they've said, you know, they somehow feel inadequate. They feel that if I have to touch myself, then they're doing something wrong. And I just want to be like, "No, it's just that your penis is nowhere near the clitoris. Has nothing to do with your abilities." [00:02:21.44] So it's not that we can't have orgasms. It's that we don't know exactly what to do. And our expectations around orgasm are completely off from reality. [00:02:30.79] [MUSIC PLAYING] [00:02:37.42] All the sex you ever see in movies, media, porn, is this very limited picture of what sex actually is. People assume that porn is like a blueprint. This is exactly how we're supposed to have sex. It doesn't differentiate at all between what is real sex and what is fake sex. And the problem is that we don't-- is that so many people grew up and the first thing they're seeing right now is porn. Like at a young age now, like the kids are, as early as eight years old are seeing these graphic images. And then there's-- it's like learning to-- learning to, you know, drive by watching, you know, "Fast and Furious," right? And then that turns into why th...

About the Instructor

The host of the long-running podcast Sex With Emily has made it her mission to normalize the conversation around sex and share her judgment-free approach to discovering a more pleasure-focused sex life. In her MasterClass, she helps you learn how to identify what you want, communicate your desires, and discover new sexual adventures. Pleasure is your birthright—it’s time to talk more about sex.

Featured MasterClass Instructor

Emily Morse

In her MasterClass, Emily Morse empowers you to talk openly about sex and discover greater sexual satisfaction.

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