Arts & Entertainment, Music


Christina Aguilera

Lesson time 06:42 min

Learn how to use your art to express your voice and challenge the opinions of those around you, while staying within your comfort zone. Christina challenged the norms of sexuality and shame with her music. What will you talk about with yours?

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Topics include: Sexuality • Knowing limits • Learning


Whenever I started being able to have a voice of my own and feel actually empowered for once by my own sexuality and experimenting with that on my album, Stripped, and my song, "Dirty," it was a conversation piece. It was a very interesting time being 21, and just being like, OK, let's converse about it. I would have conversations with my interviews sometimes with people that couldn't wrap their heads around it. But that's where the double standard came in, and I'm always for you can't shame me. I think it's important as artists that we do take risks, and we do put things out there that are going to make people think a little bit and going to make people talk, and that song and that whole record had a lot to say. It had a lot of opinions. And not everyone's going to get it. Not everyone's going to love it. Some people will. Some people won't. But I think the interesting thing to be said here is that as an artist, as a creator of art, period, whether it's paintings on a wall, I think the beauty of it is getting it to be a conversation piece. Let's open up the conversation. Why does it bother you? Why don't you like it? Let's talk about it. How does it make you feel? Why do you feel shameful? If you don't give it that energy, I had no shame in anything that I express. I think the more we give the energy of like, oh, you should be ashamed of yourself, and hiding yourself, if that's not you, if that's not your comfort zone, then yeah. Don't give it that energy. Everything is the energy that you give it. Objectification in this business as a woman is a very layered and something different that everyone might experience. I clearly just have no problem with sexuality being a part of my artistry and feeling comfortable in my own skin, and for me, that was definitely a message that I wanted to convey for women to not feel objectified by men, by, oh, let me put on my clothes. Let me do this, or let me do my makeup a certain way. Like, screw that. Like, I definitely made that very apparent on my Stripped album with the song, "Dirty." It was the funniest video I've ever done, by the way, ever. It was so free and fun, and it was with my girls and a lot of crazy like plushies. It was crazy. It was a madhouse-- David LaChapelle. I mean that was a crazy, fun video. And I look back at it so happy about it, but I got a lot of heat for it. I just felt like all of it was such a double standard. It's like men get up there, and they pelvic thrust, and they do all of these things, and women go crazy and throw panties, and that's fine. But a woman going up there and feeling empowered and in control of her whole world up there on that stage-- to have that be seen negatively was just something that I felt very uncomfortable with. I couldn't stand for it. And I think everybody should embrace what makes them feel empowered, and having a...

About the Instructor

Christina Aguilera teaches you how to expand your range, find your voice, and master the techniques that have earned her five Grammy Awards. In her first-ever online singing class, you’ll learn warm-up exercises, breath control, vibrato, her signature growls, and hear Christina break down her biggest hits. You’ve never had vocal lessons like this before.

Featured MasterClass Instructor

Christina Aguilera

Christina teaches you her unique vocal techniques in over 3.5 hours of voice lessons and exercises.

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