Arts & Entertainment, Music

Christina's Journey

Christina Aguilera

Lesson time 11:37 min

Christina reflects on her career journey and shares with you the most important lessons she's learned along the way.

Students give MasterClass an average rating of 4.7 out of 5 stars

Topics include: Truth • Inspiration • Independence • Future plans


I came up and was introduced to the world in a sort of very unique time of music where it was the pop explosion. You had your boy bands, and you had your teen little starlets. And there were a few of us that came out of a TV show called The Mickey Mouse Club, where I guess that was sort of a little bit of a training camp. The casting agent was genius for that, obviously. He got Justin and Britney and me, and Ryan Gosling, and these amazing talents that have come out of that, and have become very successful. But it was a very interesting time for me, though, because I was so in love and interested in singing soul music, and I would intertwine with everything that I could do, that I was allowed to do. I was very kept under a tight leash. I was told not to ad lib too much, I was told not to do runs or slides. I felt extremely confined. Thankful for the opportunity, of course. [MUSIC PLAYING - CHRISTINA AGUILERA, "FIGHTER] The ultimate turning point would be landing my record deal. I mean, that's where everything changed. Landing my record deal at came hand-in-hand with a song that I had on the Mulan soundtrack called "Reflection," and that was the very first thing I had recorded. And making my first record was an interesting journey. I learned a lot about the business, a lot about myself, what I liked, what I didn't like, and how I wanted it to be better in the future. So that was the real turning point. And then once success happens, hopefully, after your record is released, that's when the real journey begins. There are a lot of people out there that make records and have success. But maintaining that success is also another step. In order to have a career in this business, you've got to be ready to work. It's work, it's hard. You've got to really love what you're doing. Singing, making music, being around creativity. Just love it. Because it's going to be work, and it's grueling. So, without the passion and the drive and the commitment and the dream behind it, it's not even worth it. [MUSIC PLAYING - CHRISTINA AGUILERA, "BEAUTIFUL"] My first record was honestly my most commercially successful record at that time. It was huge. And yet unfortunately, I was unhappy, because I felt like I wasn't being honest with myself. And I felt a little boxed up, and I felt caged, and I felt-- you know, it didn't feel real to me. And I was grateful for the success and the accolades and things like that. But over the years, thank God for that first record, you play the game and you put your foot in the door, I was able to then go on to making music that I truly did feel resonated with me, and spoke my truths. And that's where Stripped, the title came from. Even though at the time, sometimes, it might have been seen as a sexual connotation. Because my first single-- I mean, talk about wanting to break free of that box and be like, ...

About the Instructor

Christina Aguilera teaches you how to expand your range, find your voice, and master the techniques that have earned her five Grammy Awards. In her first-ever online singing class, you’ll learn warm-up exercises, breath control, vibrato, her signature growls, and hear Christina break down her biggest hits. You’ve never had vocal lessons like this before.

Featured MasterClass Instructor

Christina Aguilera

Christina teaches you her unique vocal techniques in over 3.5 hours of voice lessons and exercises.

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