Design & Style, Science & Tech, Sports & Gaming

Game Demo: Morey

Will Wright

Lesson time 09:48 min

Watch while Will shares his insights and perspectives with an aspiring game designer as they review her latest prototype and he gives her suggestions for areas of focus and iteration.

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A lot of aspiring game designers come to me with ideas and their designs. And I'm very familiar with kind of looking at them with fresh eyes, and maybe giving them a different perspective on where they might go with it. So we've invited an aspiring game designer to come share a game she's currently working on. I'll be looking at her game, trying to get a sense of where she wants to go with it, and giving her feedback on it. [MUSIC PLAYING] - So "Morey" is a side scrolling puzzle platformer. - OK. - And the premise is that you play as this woman named Nina who has been stranded on this abandoned space colony. And she's trying to find the equipment she needs to get back home. - OK. - So the gameplay is definitely like a traditional Metroidvania game. - All right. - And the premise, a lot of the upgrades are you're changing around gravity. - Changing gravity? - Yes. So you can change it up, down, left, right. - So you're jumping, and the gravity allows you-- OK. Let's take a look at it. - Sure. We can take a look here. So as you can see, we've entered this giant room. And you can change gravity around. WILL WRIGHT: Oh, you're changing the angle of gravity. GAME DESIGNER: Yes Yeah. WILL WRIGHT: Oh. I see. OK. GAME DESIGNER: So if you fall too far, you can die. So that's kind of like the main thing. - Because the camera doesn't rotate. So you have to turn in your head. OK. - Right. - All right. - So at this point, she's just kind of-- - So you're actually pressing something on here to change gravity? And you can pick one of the four directions? - Yes. Exactly. - All right. I mean, right off the bat, looking at this game, it looks cooler to me now than when you first pitched it to me just a few seconds ago. You started by saying it's a side scrolling, da, da, da, da, da. Immediately in my head I think Mario. Whatever. It brings a lot of baggage. - Sure. - I think-- and I don't really care about the character's name. But if you say she's stranded on this ship, exploring it, but she gets altered gravity, all of a sudden that sounds kind of interesting, intriguing, something I've never heard. I think maybe just start with that and seeing it, and now it looks just so much cooler to me. - OK. - And I like the style a lot too. - Thank you. Yeah. So the idea is you are running around trying to find like scraps that you need. WILL WRIGHT: It's a bit dark. And that's part of the game mechanics is that you really need a light to kind of see things? GAME DESIGNER: Yes. WILL WRIGHT: OK. - So one of the mechanics, or one of the things you're upgrading is that eventually you'll find a light. You don't always start with it. - All right. - So there's like a lot of danger of just kind of wandering around in the darkness. - In the dark. OK. Yeah. - Mhm. - Now, I'm not hearing any sound. Is that just part of the g...

About the Instructor

Learn the art and science of game design with Will Wright, the mind behind SimCity and The Sims. In this game design class, Will teaches you how to create games that empower players and unleash their imagination. You’ll develop a tool set for understanding player psychology, as well as learn Will’s approach to generating and pitching ideas, prototyping, playtesting, and building a community.

Featured MasterClass Instructor

Will Wright

Collaboration, prototyping, playtesting. The Sims creator Will Wright breaks down his process for designing games that unleash player creativity.

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