Design & Style, Science & Tech, Sports & Gaming

Game Demo: Flooded Market

Will Wright

Lesson time 09:33 min

Will provides feedback and advice to a game designer who is in the late stages of the game design process.

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Topics include: Game Demo: Flooded Market


Now let's check out another game from a different aspiring designer. - So my game is "Flooded Market." It's a multiplayer strategy game where you're going to enter the cutthroat real estate market of the sinking city of San Francisco. - OK. - Yeah. - Cool. - So you're going to be outbidding other players. You're going to be renting. You're going to be renovating these properties. And all the while, turn by turn, climate change is going to cause the sea level to rise, as it is in our starting screen. - So this is fast global warming. - Yeah. Accelerated global warming. And as it moves up, it's going to transform these properties from their regular selves into pristine, high quality, beachfront property. And then destroy them right afterwards. And so you're trying to catch that wave of inflated prices. And that along with paying off the right politicians will let you-- - So this is multiplayer. - It's multiplayer. Up to 50 players can play in a game. We haven't tested with 50 players. But the system is there to support it. And the notion is that you have all these players creating an economy that you're then going to try to optimize and act inside of. And, ideally, all the player actions are driving the simulation while the simulation drives. - Well, right off the bat, I love your intro screen. - Yeah. - I mean, it looks fun already, just looking at the intro screen. - Yeah. The intro screen is to make that striking first impression. - OK. So let's see the game. - Yeah. Let's get into it. So you're playing. We're going to create a game here. - I like the pitch, by the way. I mean, it's very succinct, concise. And it sounds fun. - Name this Will's Game. So we're going to launch in here. So right now we're going to kind of get the gist, the lay of the land. There's San Francisco, for those who recognize it. WILL WRIGHT: So you have a real map of the real city. GAME DESIGNER: Right. Yeah. We pulled from map data to help get elevations and locations, and also house prices to start off with. WILL WRIGHT: All right. GAME DESIGNER: So we have a house downtown that's worth $1.3 million. It's five stars. WILL WRIGHT: Are these all things for sale? GAME DESIGNER: These are all things for sale. Yeah. - So I have a budget. And I'm choosing how to spend, invest in real estate here. GAME DESIGNER: That's right. Yeah. You have $3.8 million up here. And let's say we could even select this house. We can bid on it. This one, we can take a look at, and say, OK. It's got some nice views. It's got a decent quality. We can upgrade that later if we want. It's kind of getting close to the water. 20% water level. WILL WRIGHT: Yeah. GAME DESIGNER: We can check. Its elevations at 50 meters. The water right now is at 0 meters. But that'll change as soon as the turn ends, which is fast approaching. - So this turn based? - Turn based...

About the Instructor

Learn the art and science of game design with Will Wright, the mind behind SimCity and The Sims. In this game design class, Will teaches you how to create games that empower players and unleash their imagination. You’ll develop a tool set for understanding player psychology, as well as learn Will’s approach to generating and pitching ideas, prototyping, playtesting, and building a community.

Featured MasterClass Instructor

Will Wright

Collaboration, prototyping, playtesting. The Sims creator Will Wright breaks down his process for designing games that unleash player creativity.

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