Sports & Gaming

Find Your Place

Wayne Gretzky

Lesson time 09:47 min

Because everybody is working with different levels of talent and skill, it’s important to make honest assessments of what you are good at and what you are not.

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Topics include: Gretzky’s Office · Be in the Right Place at the Right Time · Don’t Pass Away Opportunities


[MUSIC PLAYING] WAYNE GRETZKY: The reality was I was still an unknown, as far as professional hockey goes. I hadn't proven anything over eight games. Edmonton was a hockey club that was building not only to win a championship in the WHA, but build a franchise that was going to be strong enough to one day, in their minds, merge into the National Hockey League. There was a wonderful brand-new hockey arena built in 1973. And so Glen Sather, who was the coach and general manager, is building these stepping stones to accomplish his goals, which was, A, to win a championship and then, B, get into the National Hockey League. So what made me click in Edmonton was pretty, pretty simple. The day I got traded there, the next day we went down to the morning shoot around. I had to go in and meet with the coach, Glen Sather. He sat me down, and he had played with Bobby Orr in Boston. He made a lot of comments about playing with a young Bobby Orr and took comparables, as far as pressure goes, and not comparing us as players, but the pressures that we both face coming in as youngsters into professional hockey. From there, he sat down and said that we're going to win the championship this year. Next year, we're going to merge into the National Hockey League. One day, you're going to be captain of this franchise. And one day we're going to win the Stanley Cup. And I remember standing up, and I was so excited. And it was-- It was like I could have floated out of his office, I was so excited. And then, before I left his office, he said one more thing. And I said, yeah, what is that? I mean, you're a 17-year-old kid, and your coach is telling you something, you go, okay. And he said to me, you don't need the extra pressure. You're not going to wear number 99. And I remember I walked out the office, and I was like, okay. So that game was my first night playing. I scored a goal, an assist, and I think I scored in overtime. We won 4-3. And I went in to him after the game, and I said, I'm not comfortable without number 99. Can I have it back? And I knew if I had a good game I could go ask for it back. So he gave it back to me, and I've had 99 since. And when you're asking me when did I think I was going to click and be an Edmonton Oiler, I felt it the very first game, the very first shift I played in Edmonton that night. [MUSIC PLAYING] One of the great things about the game of hockey is the physical toughness that you need to have within yourself to be successful. But there's an art to our sport, also. And that's what makes it beautiful. At 14 years old, when I did play Junior B hockey, I was 125 pounds, 5 foot 7. I couldn't stand in front of the net. That was not going to happen. I was going to get knocked over. Fortunately, I had a coach that told me to watch Bobby Clark and how he played. He wasn't a very big NHL player, but he was extremely successful and a two-time Stanley Cup champion by then. And I started emulating what...

About the Instructor

Over his 21-year career, Wayne Gretzky not only rewrote the NHL record book, he also set himself apart as one of the most accomplished professional athletes of all time. Now “The Great One” shares the moments and mindset that made him successful so you can aim for greatness in your own life. Learn the power of an athlete’s mindset and tap into passion, motivation, and dedication. Get ready to take your biggest shot yet.

Featured MasterClass Instructor

Wayne Gretzky

NHL star Wayne Gretzky shares his journey and his approach to a winning mindset, from tapping into your true passion to committing to success every day.

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