Arts & Entertainment, Music, Business

Expanding Your Horizons

Ringo Starr

Lesson time 09:24 min

Here Ringo talks about creative pursuits outside of drumming—particularly painting—and how they help him see the world with fresh eyes. He also discusses giving back through charitable work, and the peace-and-love philosophy that guides him.

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Topics include: Electronic Drums · Painting · Giving Back · Peace and Love · Get Out and Play


[MUSIC - RINGO STARR, "PHOTOGRAPH"] RINGO STARR: Being open-minded and trying new things is the only way you're going to grow as an artist. I love the Roland. There's a plug for you. I needed a new model. But you know what is incredible is that I play the kit, the organic kit. Looks like that, and it's this guy. Then I get on the Roland, and it's like someone else completely. [DRUMS PLAYING] It's me, but it's like you can do crazier stuff or whatever. You know, I do stuff I wouldn't attempt on the organic kits. You know, it's not like you're mine. You know, I can't have it sounding like a xylophone on this kit. You know, if you hit that cymbal at the right time, it turns into an orchestra. You know, so we go, moo dow, dow, dow, dow, ponk, donk, donk-a-donk. Dow, dow, dow, dow, dow, donk, donk. You know, you can just have a great time. But I do put it down in a serious fashion sometimes. But it's still no wonder to me what you can get. I love it. Being creative is simply who I am. It's what I do. You can be a musician and do other things as well. I mean, I love to paint. I started painting, actually, in Monaco. I lived in Monaco. I had an apartment there for 30-odd years. And it's only rock and roll. All those painters that came here because of the light, wow, I can see that light. And I went and bought canvases, paints, an easel, brushes, and I just started. And it was so beautiful. I was having so much fun. But I did have to get over wanting to paint like Rembrandt. You just put your own brush on your own canvas and off you go. And you can make your own rules. Like this one time, I had all these half-empty tubes of paint. So I just put a canvas on the floor. I pressed the tubes, whatever was it, and wherever it went. Just did that, and then I put it up, and I took a Polaroid shot I'd taken of something, but that became the brush. And I just sort of was sweeping it across. And my heart was beating. I mean, it was like, what? And now it looks underwater. All this sort of stuff is growing underwater but it acts like a sweep to it. It's like what? Yeah, I love that painting. That was a great moment for me. That's why I keep talking about that painting. But I've got other paintings. You know, I can't paint you looking like you. I can put a head on a body, but-- --that's my painting. It just keeps me going, you know. And I do computer art. I like that too, because the program I use has a bucket so you can put a lot of paint over everything quick. And I was doing it before, and on the road. And then I forgot all about drumming, and I forgot all about art, or anything else. And then in '88, I started to lighten up and get back on track, and put the first All-Starr Band together. And, you know, you're on the road. What do you do? So then there's the computer then. Oh, my. Good, I can do it on that. You know, it's not like something I think out a lot...

About the Instructor

Music legend Ringo Starr helped create rock ’n’ roll drumming as we know it today. Now the 9-time Grammy Award winner wants to inspire new and seasoned drummers alike. Through demonstrations behind the kit and personal stories from his time in The Beatles, Ringo shares his principles for creative collaboration, finding your unique playing style, and embracing your musical journey with joy.

Featured MasterClass Instructor

Ringo Starr

Legendary drummer Ringo Starr walks you through his approach to creative collaboration, playing with heart, and embracing your musical journey.

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