Design & Style

Campaigns and Editorials: Building a Versatile Lookbook

Naomi Campbell

Lesson time 06:43 min

Naomi reflects on some of her most memorable fashion spreads and touts the importance of being a chameleon when building your portfolio and your career.

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Topics include: Campaigns and Editorials: Building a Versatile Lookbook * What Is a Campaign? * Editorials: Creating Stories That Appeal to Consumers * Iconic Moments: Ralph Lauren, Pat McGrath, and British Vogue


[CAMERA CLICKING] [MUSIC PLAYING] SINGER: (SINGING) Everything go from my to you. - In my mind, I've never looked at myself as a category. But when I started modeling, there was the catalog model, the model that only did the fashion shows. Then there was the beauty model, the hair model, the hand model, foot model. But now I feel that it came together. And it's much more of one package now. It's your job to be changed and as many looks and as many different, how would I say, facets of you that you can explore, and let them create, and be part of. It's better that way. SINGER: (SINGING) From Kilimanjaro, Kilimanjaro, Kiliman-- Kilimanjaro. My little baby, come dance with me. My little baby, come right away. Maria, honey, yeah. Maria, ah. NAOMI CAMPBELL: A campaign is advertising for a brand or product. Campaigns are seasonal. They normally last for six months to the next season. Spring, summer will come out February or March. For winter it's going to start coming out in maybe August. Usually when you do the fashion shows, by the end of the show or sometimes in the middle of the show-- I will use Versace as an example-- they know which girls they wanted to use for the campaign. It was always, like, the big thing back in the '90s of, when you did the fashion shows, who's getting the campaign. That was always the buzz and the talk. So it's pretty easy afterwards. Then they have to find the time, if it's multiple girls, and booking the girls to coincide with the photographer, and booking the city of where they would shoot that campaign. If they take you exclusive, then you can't work for anyone else. It's very rarely that a model of color was ever done exclusive. I mean, there was a couple-- Tyson Beckford did Ralph Lauren and only Ralph Lauren. But it wasn't many of those. Knowing how to become a chameleon is important because you do not want to look the same in multiple campaigns. You have to learn to change. You have to be like, is that so-and-so? Oh, it didn't look like her. That's when you know that's a great model because then she's able to change with the brands that she's working with. So you could be in multiple campaigns, and you'd look different in each and every one. For me that's what's great. That's what makes a great model. In fact, you should strive to be versatile no matter your occupation. This helps you appeal to your bosses or clients and opens you up to more opportunities. Then you have commercials. It's a whole different kettle of fish. It's moving picture, and you're working with a director. So it's very important to know how to take-- to actually listen, how to take direction. Some of the things they ask you to do is just minuscule change, changes. But important and different-- it's a different type of camera. So that was something I learned also growing up as a child that the lens of a photographer is not the same lens as a moving camera. But...

About the Instructor

Naomi Campbell stumbled into a modeling career, earning icon status both on and off the runway. On MasterClass, she shares the lessons she learned as a model to help you find your confidence and stride in everyday life.

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Naomi Campbell

Supermodel and cultural icon Naomi Campbell teaches you how to take on modeling—and life—with confidence.

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