Design & Style

Bonus: Mentoring the Next Generation of Fashion

Naomi Campbell

Lesson time 11:36 min

Naomi has made it a personal mission to create space for diversity and inclusion in the modeling industry. In this bonus lesson, she gives guidance to four up-and-coming models trying to launch their careers in fashion.

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Topics include: Bonus: Mentoring the Next Generation of Fashion * Sam: “The Dancer” * Omolola: “The Law Student” * Santi: “The Queer Activist” * Naomi Christina: “The Body Advocate”


HOST (VOICEOVER): When I started out as a model, I was lucky enough to build strong relationships with photographers, designers, and other models who all helped guide and protect me on my journey. This support and mentorship was invaluable and a personal element that I wanted to share with you within my class. In this lesson, you're going to meet some new faces in the modeling industry. Watch them ask me some questions and learn more from me about how I'm working to make fashion a more inclusive space. [MUSIC PLAYING] SINGER: (SINGING) Maybe you make me lose my mind. Maybe you want to stay the night. Time goes fast. I don't care. - When mentoring in the past, I feel it's important to actually have actual students or aspiring models or just the person that wants to just know these tips for their life and their world. It's important to have them in front of you. OK, so I'm going to now invite my students. Come along. Santi, Naomi, Omolola, and Sam. - Hello. - Hi. - Hi. - Hello. HOST (VOICEOVER): I received hundreds of submission videos for the students that wanted to be part of this MasterClass, and I felt it impossible to narrow it down to just four students. - I love rollerskating. . I would say I'm a bit of a professional. - I do feel very comfortable in front of the camera, and I really enjoy it. Just because I'm new into this industry as well, I would really like someone to look at me and say, hey, you're doing this wrong. Fix it this way. - I think I could learn a lot in terms of, oh, what sort of confidence to put forward in front of the camera. HOST (VOICEOVER): But I love that the new faces in this class showcase a range of ages, identities, and professional experience. I hope you will relate to their stories and realize that it's never too late to follow your dreams. Sam. - I have been modeling for, I'd say, about 2, 2 and 1/2 years. Kind of fell into it accidentally. I trained professionally as a dancer. - Hm. - And then as I was graduating, like, as when COVID hit, basically, that's when I got scouted. And it was a bit of a surprise. It was nothing I ever intended to do. - Yeah. So your story is similar to mine. - I know it is. - Yeah, and I found that the dancing helped me, like-- - I feel exactly the same, yeah. - The movement part and posing or whatever, you know? - Yeah, definitely. - And being still. - No, it helps a lot. I don't think I could have made that transition without that. Hi, I'm Sam. I'm from Southampton, and I'm 22 years old. I've always known that I would do something along the lines of being in front of a camera, being on stage, you know, doing that kind of thing. Know, it's what I'm destined to do because it's been a dream and a goal of mine for, like, forever. I've worked mainly commercially as a model for fashion brands, mostly e-commerce stuff. I'v...

About the Instructor

Naomi Campbell stumbled into a modeling career, earning icon status both on and off the runway. On MasterClass, she shares the lessons she learned as a model to help you find your confidence and stride in everyday life.

Featured MasterClass Instructor

Naomi Campbell

Supermodel and cultural icon Naomi Campbell teaches you how to take on modeling—and life—with confidence.

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