Food, Home & Lifestyle

Tortellini Part 2: Dough, Filling, and Assembly

Massimo Bottura

Lesson time 14:08 min

Some special guests join Massimo to help make a very traditional tortellini dough and filling. Learn how to assemble this essential Emilia-Romagna dish.

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Topics include: Making the Tortellini Dough • Making the Tortellini Filling • Assembling the Tortellini • Eating the Tortellini


[MUSIC PLAYING] - Now that we show you how to make the broth and the cream sauce, I'm going to bring in some more special guests to help us make the tortellini. This is the essence of Emilia-Romanga. This is tradition. [MUSIC PLAYING] Chicken broth, parmigiano-reggiano creamy sauce, but what we are missing? We are missing the tortellini. And who better than two rezdore, as we call in Modena, like the lady of the house. They are the one, they really know how to roll pasta by hand are here with us, and they're going to show you what we can do with pasta. So here we have Angela and Katya from the Foundation San Nicola in Castelfranco Emilia, just 10 kilometers from Modena. And their purpose is to keep alive the tradition, the tradition of make tortellini by hand. Because it's time to rediscover, to focus on and keep alive this kind of heritage from centuries and centuries that our grandmother, the grandmother of our grandmother, transferred to us. So we're going to have one that is going to show you how to make the dough and one that-- voila-- she's going to roll the dough that we are going to use to make tortellini. Let's start. You're going to put like 300 grams of flour and create a fountain in which you're going to put two yolk and the two eggs. Then, when you have that, you're going to go with your fork, and you're going to mix and add the flour a little bit at a time. Keep the eggs inside. I want to show you something that is extremely important. Roll. Look how bubbly this pasta is. That means it's really well done. The more bubbly, the more you mix it and you incorporate air when you create the dough. So my grandmother was always say, when the pasta is really well made, it's already half rolled. It's [SPEAKING ITALIAN] - [SPEAKING ITALIAN] - Right. She said, right. I'm translating. When the eggs are really well incorporated, now she's put all the flour and add the rest of the flour. So in the beginning, she didn't put all 300 grams but just 250 because sometimes the flour is absorbing more than usual. Sometimes the eggs are bigger. You see how she does? Usually, when you have to do a lot of big quantity, you cut it in the middle, and you split in two. One does this, and one does the other. So it's going like this. When this part of the end, like this, and so you do like this. And for big quantities, it's much easier. And then, at one point, you mix the two. When we were kids, we were making 20, 25 eggs of tortellini every Sunday. And it was for the big family. Actually, there were never enough. Because when you have pasta, you just want to eat pasta, you know? You see here, she did a very good job. You see all that bubbly everywhere. So she's incorporate air. But now, this dough need to rest. So we cover it, and we let him rest for half an hour. You see how practice. She's rolling pasta very well. And she's using her body to keep the pasta close to the board and to make them thinner. She's very good. Yo...

About the Instructor

Massimo Bottura, chef of the three-Michelin-star Osteria Francescana, treats his world-renowned restaurant as a laboratory of ideas. In his MasterClass, he shares how he transforms classic, regional Italian recipes into exciting modern dishes. You’ll learn how to make rich, flavorful tagliatelle al ragù, pumpkin risotto, and a MasterClass-exclusive Emilia Burger recipe. Develop your palate and embark on a culinary adventure.

Featured MasterClass Instructor

Massimo Bottura

Massimo Bottura teaches you his take on traditional Italian cooking—from risotto to tortellini—and shares techniques for reimagining your own recipes.

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