Food, Home & Lifestyle

Bonus: The Story Behind Two Dishes From Osteria Francescana

Massimo Bottura

Lesson time 14:25 min

Massimo shares how he came up with the recipes for two signature dishes served at Osteria Francescana—The Crunchy Part of the Lasagna and Mediterranean Sole—and demonstrates how they each come together as final plates.

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Topics include: The Crunchy Part of the Lasagna • Mediterranean Sole


MASSIMO BATTURA (VOICEOVER): At Osteria Francescana, everything we think, see, and learn gets squeezed into our cuisine. It take consciousness, vision, and intuition to create the recipe. It takes faith. You are challenging yourself. Each time is like the first over and over and over again. [MUSIC PLAYING] - Guys, let's step to the craziness and the confusion and the chaos in my mind, creativity. So what we do everyday in Osteria Francescana, we ask ourselves question-- the most crazy question. And we give answer to those questions. How can we rejoined spaghetti and bolognesa sauce after traveling all over the world and found this spaghetti bolognesa sauce, and bolognesa sauce doesn't match with spaghetti? So the only answer is transform the spaghetti into tagliatelle, but we already show you. Or the lasagna is another way to do that. So what we did is like, we create spaghetti and tomato, spaghetti and Parmigiano-Reggiano, spaghetti and fresh herbs. And once we were ready, we put it in a blender. And we create three different dough-- put together as an Italian flag and roll it as it was pasta. Right? Then we cut it in rectangles, shape them like this. And we dehydrate them very, very slow. At this point, we fried them. Then we smoke them. And at last things, we burn them, as to transform spaghetti and tomato, spaghetti and Parmigiano, spaghetti and fresh herbs into the crunchy parts of the lasagna, because we were unhappy just with the classic lasagna. The classic lasagna is not an emotional dish. It's the crunchy part of the lasagna that is the emotional part of the dish. You know, it's me to share with the word that the joy of a kid and during their lunch, like Sunday lunch, when the grandmother brings the big pan of the lasagna to fight with the older brother to eat the crunchy parts of the lasagna. The rest is for the adults. They want to eat a lot. But for us, it's all about eating emotions. And there's nothing more emotional than the crunchy part of the lasagna. So once you transform the Italian flag into the crunchy part of the lasagna-- smoked and burn and very soft-- we're going to finish the dish like this. This is the bolognesa sauce that is going to put on the top on the-- you're going to plate at the bottom of the plate. Then we're going to add a little bit of Bechamel, so it's like-- but very, very light, because Bechamel is usually too heavy. So we put in the siphon. And we charge it with the double charge of gas. And we're going to serve it at 60 degrees. Or so it's like, warm and softer. And with a little touch of nutmeg to evoke nostalgia, please, Mr. Kondo. And then you finish with the crunchy part of the lasagna. So this is what we do everyday in Osteria Francescana. People are traveling from all over the world. Of course, with the good food, we are a three Michelin star. But it's much more than that. It's about feeding people with emotions. [MUSIC PLAYING] It...

About the Instructor

Massimo Bottura, chef of the three-Michelin-star Osteria Francescana, treats his world-renowned restaurant as a laboratory of ideas. In his MasterClass, he shares how he transforms classic, regional Italian recipes into exciting modern dishes. You’ll learn how to make rich, flavorful tagliatelle al ragù, pumpkin risotto, and a MasterClass-exclusive Emilia Burger recipe. Develop your palate and embark on a culinary adventure.

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Massimo Bottura

Massimo Bottura teaches you his take on traditional Italian cooking—from risotto to tortellini—and shares techniques for reimagining your own recipes.

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