Arts & Entertainment

Directing Actors

Martin Scorsese

Lesson time 09:36 min

Martin teaches you the importance of getting in front of the camera as a director. You'll also learn how to build a trusting relationship with your actors, how to make time for them to experiment, and when to stop talking and start to shooting.

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Topics include: Get in Front of the Camera • Give Actors the Freedom to Fail • You and the Actor Must Trust Each Other • Shoot Around Tricky Situations

About the Instructor

Martin Scorsese drew his first storyboard when he was eight. Today he’s a legendary director whose films from Mean Streets to The Wolf of Wall Street have shaped movie history. In his first-ever online film class, the Oscar winner teaches his approach, from storytelling to editing to working with actors. He deconstructs films and breaks down his craft, changing how you make and watch movies.

Featured MasterClass Instructor

Martin Scorsese

In 30 lessons, learn the art of film from the director of Goodfellas, The Departed, and Taxi Driver.

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